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- Danny's fence needed painting.
- 丹尼的护栏需要粉刷。
- He wanted to paint it white.
- 他想刷成白色。
- He looked in the phone book.
- 他打开电话簿。
- He looked under "P" for Painters.
- 找到“P”开头的粉刷匠。
- He called up a painter.
- 他打了电话。
- "How much to paint my fence?" he asked.
- 他问道:“粉刷护栏多少钱?”
- "How big is your fence?" the painter asked.
- 粉刷匠问道:“你的护栏多达?”
- "It goes all the way around my yard," Danny said.
- 丹尼说:“环绕整个院子。”
- "How big is your yard?" the painter asked.
- 他又问道:“院子多达?”
- "My yard is half as big as a football field," Danny said.
- 丹尼说:“半个足球场那么大。”
- The painter said $300.
- 粉刷匠说三百美金。
- "It will cost $300," he said.
- 他说:“那样的话是三百美金。”
- That was a good deal.
- 价钱还可以。
- Danny said, "That's a good deal."
- 丹尼说:“成交。”
- The painter came over the next day.
- 粉刷匠第二天到来。
- He painted Danny's fence white.
- 他将丹尼的护栏刷成了白色。
- It took him only three hours.
- 仅用时三小时。
- Danny looked at his white fence.
- 丹尼看着他白色的护栏。
- "You did a good job," he said to the painter.
- 他对粉刷匠说:“你干得不错。
- "My white fence looks great. How long will this paint last?"
- 白色护栏看起来不错。颜色能持续多长时间?”
- "It will last a lifetime," said the painter.
- 粉刷匠说:“终生不会掉色。”
Danny’s fence needed painting. He wanted to paint it white. He looked in the phone book. He looked under “P” for Painters. He called up a painter. “How much to paint my fence?” he asked. “How big is your fence?” the painter asked. “It goes all the way around my yard,” Danny said. “How big is your yard?” the painter asked. “My yard is half as big as a football field,” Danny said. The painter said $300. “It will cost $300,” he said. That was a good deal. Danny said, “That’s a good deal.” The painter came over the next day. He painted Danny’s fence white. It took him only three hours. Danny looked at his white fence. He liked it. “You did a good job,” he said to the painter. “My white fence looks great. How long will this paint last?” “It will last a lifetime,” said the painter.

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201604/438698.shtml