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- But some of the shoppers had angry words for Mr. Sloan.
- 但一些顾客向斯隆先生投诉了。
- "Shopping here is dangerous!" said nice Mrs. O'Hara.
- “在这购物真危险!”漂亮的奥哈拉夫人说。
- "It won't happen again," said Mr. Sloan.
- “绝不会有下次了,”斯隆先生保证。
- When Fox got home, his Mom was on the phone.
- 小狐到家的时候妈妈正在接电话。
- "Oh, really?" said Mom. "He didn't! He did? Well, it won't happen again!"
- “哦,真的吗?”妈妈说,“不可能!他真的这么做了?好吧,我保证不会有下次!”
- And she hung up.
- 妈妈说完挂了电话。
- "I hear you're the fastest fox on wheels," said Mom.
- “我听说你是在轮子上滑得最快的狐狸,”妈妈说。
- "You bet I am," said Fox.
- “就是我,”小狐说。
- "Care to prove it?" said Mom.
- “你能证明吗?”妈妈说。
- "I'll get my bike," said Fox.
- “我去拿自行车,”小狐说。
- "Hold your horses," said Mom. "I have a better idea."
- “慢着,”妈妈说,“我有个更好的主意。”
- "Rats!" said Fox. "These aren't the wheels I had in mind!"
- “糟透了!”小狐说,“这些可不是我所想的轮子!”
"This will take all day!" said Fox.
"Then you must hurry," said Mom. "And don't forget the tuna fish for Louise's sandwich."

At the market Fox ran into the gang.
"We'll just have to race later," said Fox.
"I have an idea," said Carmen. "Why don't we race right now?"
"Great idea!" said her friends.
"Let's race from one end of the store to the other!" said Fox.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201603/429407.shtml