Nora Volkow: You could make a case that people become addicted to the lifestyle, because their brain has started to respond to the lifestyle and that is their environment, their friends, their situations.
Narrator: Her team sets up an experiment to test the theory.
Volunteers are placed in a PET scanner, and shown images of people preparing and snorting lines of cocaine.
Incredibly, the images alone significantly increase the dopamine levels in the brains of users.

Nora Volkow: When we expose them with stimuli that have been linked with drugs, what we observe is that a significant increase in dopamine signaling in those areas of the brain that drives the motivation of your behavior.
Narrator: Dr. Volkow's research is revolutionary, it shows cocaine is so addictive that simply showing images of its use is enough to increase their dopamine levels and lead them into relapse.
Nora Volkow: People can go to a detoxification program, they do very well, they go out into the neighborhoods where they are used to taking the drug and they relapse.
And they relapse exactly because of these effects on the memory systems.
So they say, I'm not going to take the drug, I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to, I'm not going to and before they even realize it, the drug is already in their mouths, or they're smoking it.
Narrator: Law enforcement treats cocaine users as criminals rather than people suffering from a disease.
Over the past ten years, the government has repeatedly slashed funding for drug rehabilitation programs and increased funding for prisons.
The result: a million Americans are imprisoned on drug related charges, costing the American taxpayer $12.5 billion a year.
Prof Volkow believes the government's approach of criminalizing and imprisoning drug users without proper treatment is misguided.
Nora Volkow: When you just take a person that's addicted and push them in jail and you don't give them treatment, you can guarantee that that person will relapse within a few weeks of actually leaving, the jail, no matter how long they've been there.
With no drug exposure, if you don't treat they will immediately relapse for drug taking.
But very importantly, they'll end up re-incarcerated pretty soon.