The Death of Lehman Brothers
A year ago on September 15th Lehman Brothers International (Europe)-LBIE,the London subsidiary of Lehman Brothers Holdings, New York-closed for business, leaving 839,000 failed transactions totalling billions of dollars hanging in the air. Price Waterhouse Coopers (PWC), the administrator, is still trying to sort out most of them, which relate to over 100 separate units of LBIE. It has managed to pay claims of around $13 billion ( £8 billion) but wants the American parent to settle up to $ 100 billion more. That may result in litigation, says Tony Lomas, a partner at PWC.
In the global Lehman debacle, the British authorities and claimants on the London entity drew the short straw. Lehman Brothers Inc, the broker-dealer in New York, was a relatively simple company. It siphoned billions from the global group days before it went bust. The American authorities then gave it until September 19th to settle its trades. Many of its clients' assets were insured. Barclays, a British bank, bought the business and took over its customer positions, ensuring continuity.
LBIE, a complex investment bank, offered no such comfort. Its trades included huge off-exchange dealings in securities and derivatives. Many of its clients' assets had been lent or pledged to third parties by the bank itself, in some cases without clients,knowledge and perhaps without their permission: sloppy records leave plenty of room for doubt. Administrators have had to fight for access to information from Lehman New York, and from securities depositories worldwide.

Clearing this up will take years. It may seem merely technical, but the mess says much about the problems of being a global financial centre, where foreign teams come to play and the home referee deals with the damage. The Financial Services Authority, unable to control the liquidity of this operator on its turf, proposed in March that host countries be given more power to demand extra capital and restrict intra-group flows. That might also reduce the chances of another retail fiasco like that of the Icelandic banks, whose failure in 2008 left an online offshoot owing British depositors £2.3 billion. On August 28th Iceland agreed to repay them, helped by an IMF loan.
In May Britain's Treasury produced a consultation paper on better resolution of such situations. The proposals range from a special insolvency regime for investment banks (there is none now) to tightening up the clearing and settling of trades, and the handling of clients,assets. Banks,lawyers and accountants want fixes to be minimal and market-driven. Most believe that the Special Resolution Regime for retail banks, included in a new Banking Act this year, should be extended to investment banks.
Uncertainty about clients' assets is the burning issue, though Deborah Sabalot, a regulation lawyer, insists that clients themselves should push for more clarity on how these are segregated and protected. Regulators are likely to get no further than they did after the collapse of Barings, a British bank, in 1995. The so-called Windsor Declaration that year resolved to develop "best practices" for handling customer accounts. If implemented, they might have prevented much of the aggravation felt 14 years later in the Lehman workout.