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- He cut open the lettuce.
- 他切开生菜。
- The lettuce had brown spots in it.
- 生菜上有棕色斑点。
- He cut open the avocado.
- 他切开鳄梨。
- The avocado had brown spots in it.
- 里面也有棕色小点。
- He cut open the apple.
- 他又切开了苹果。
- The apple had brown spots in it.
- 里面也是一样。
- He cut open the banana.
- 他又剥开了香蕉。
- The banana had brown spots in it.
- 里面同样如此。
- Everything had brown spots!
- 所有果蔬里面都有棕色小点!
- Where did these brown spots come from?
- 它是从哪来的?
- He hated these brown spots.
- 他讨厌这些小点。
- He cut the brown spots out of the lettuce.
- 他将生菜中的小点去除。
- He cut the brown spots out of the avocado.
- 又将鳄梨中的去除。
- He cut the brown spots out of the apple.
- 之后是苹果。
- He cut the brown spots out of the banana.
- 还有香蕉。
- He threw all the brown spots into the trash.
- 并将切除部分扔进垃圾堆。
- He said, "Goodbye, brown spots! I got rid of you. I got rid of all of you. Stay out of my fresh food."
- 他称:“再见了,棕色小点!我终于摆脱你了。远离我的新鲜食物。”
- The brown spots said, "You got rid of us this time. But we will be back!"
- 小点说:“你这次摆脱我,可我还会回来的!”
He cut open the lettuce. The lettuce had brown spots in it. He cut open the avocado. The avocado had brown spots in it. He cut open the apple. The apple had brown spots in it. He cut open the banana. The banana had brown spots in it. Everything had brown spots! Where did these brown spots come from? He hated these brown spots. He cut the brown spots out of the lettuce. He cut the brown spots out of the avocado. He cut the brown spots out of the apple. He cut the brown spots out of the banana. He threw all the brown spots into the trash. He said, “Goodbye, brown spots! I got rid of you. I got rid of all of you. Stay out of my fresh food.” The brown spots said, “You got rid of us this time. But we will be back!”

来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201601/424126.shtml