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BBC自然世界纪录片:狼之风暴(MP3+中英字幕) 第15期

来源:可可英语 编辑:shaun   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • As much as I love watching these wolves, it's time for me to go.
  • 尽管我很想继续观察狼群,但我该走了。
  • I have my own family waiting for me at home, and it's been more than a month since I've seen them.
  • 我也有自己的家人在家等我,我已经有一个月没见到牠们了。
  • I'll come back in the autumn to pick up with Storm and his family.
  • 我秋天会再回来和"风暴"族群重聚。
  • I hope the pups will make it through. September is my favourite month in the Park.
  • 我希望小狼崽们能熬到那时候。九月的公园是我最喜欢的时候。
  • When I get back, the buffalo are just ending their breeding cycle.
  • 当我回来的时候,野牛们正在结束牠们的繁殖周期。
  • You can see that big bull right there, he's just checking one of the cows.
  • 看到那只公牛了吗?牠正在闻母牛的屁股。
  • They go up and sniff them, they get a scent and then, they can pass it through this special gland in their nostrils
  • 牠们凑上去闻母牛,会得到一种气味,之后这种气味经过牠们鼻孔中特殊的腺体识别,
  • and they can tell if the female is in oestrus and whether or not she's ready to breed.
  • 就能让牠们知道哪头母牛在发情期,还有牠是否准备好繁殖后代了。
  • There's a lot more bulls in the herd right now than there would normally be.
  • 现在有很多野牛群中的公牛在求偶,比寻常的时候多了很多。
  • And they're all checking females out and keeping tabs on who's ready to breed or not. The bulls are so huge!
  • 牠们都在闻母牛,密切关注牠们是否想生孩子。公牛真是太健壮了!
  • I mean, their head has got to be, like, almost two feet across and they're going to weigh, like, 1,000 kilograms. Like, a tonne.
  • 牠们的头差不多六十厘米长,牠们每头大概重一千公斤。一吨重啊。
  • It's really, really hard to imagine how these wolves can kill animals like this. They are so big.
  • 真的,真的很难想像的到狼群们怎么杀的死这样的动物,牠们太壮了。


As much as I love watching these wolves, it's time for me to go.

I have my own family waiting for me at home, and it's been more than a month since I've seen them.
I'll come back in the autumn to pick up with Storm and his family.
I hope the pups will make it through.
September is my favourite month in the Park.

When I get back, the buffalo are just ending their breeding cycle.

You can see that big bull right there, he's just checking one of the cows.
They go up and sniff them, they get a scent and then, they can pass it through this special gland in their nostrils and they can tell if the female is in oestrus and whether or not she's ready to breed.
There's a lot more bulls in the herd right now than there would normally be.
And they're all checking females out and keeping tabs on who's ready to breed or not.
The bulls are so huge!
I mean, their head has got to be, like, almost two feet across and they're going to weigh, like, 1,000 kilograms. Like, a tonne.
It's really, really hard to imagine how these wolves can kill animals like this. They are so big.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
scent [sent]


n. 气味,香味,痕迹
vt. 闻出,发觉,使

gland [glænd]


n. 腺

herd [hə:d]


n. 兽群,人群,牧人
vt. 群集,使 ..





