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- How to Cook Eggplant
- 茄子怎样煮才美味
- Eggplant is a delicious, hearty, and versatile food. One of the easiest and most satisfying ways to prepare eggplant is to fry it up.
- 茄子是一种美味,丰盛且多变的食品。其中一种最简单也最美味的烹煮方法就是煎。
- You Will Need:An eggplant,A paring knife,A colander,Salt,A large pot,Vegetable oil,Tongs,A kitchen towel (optional)
- 你需要:一个茄子,削皮刀,滤器,盐,一个大水壶,蔬菜油,钳子,厨房用纸(可选)
- STEP 1 Cut the top from the eggplant with a kitchen knife, and then peel the skin off with a paring knife.
- 用菜刀切掉茄子顶端,然后用削皮刀去皮。
- STEP 2 Slice the eggplant into 1/2-inch slices.
- 将茄子切成半寸大小的小片。
- STEP 3 Place the eggplant slices in your colander and sprinkle them with salt, making sure to cover every slice.
- 把茄子片放在滤器上,洒上盐,确保每一片茄子都覆盖上盐。
- Then weigh down the eggplant with a large pot for at least one hour to flatten it.
- 然后在茄子上方放置一把大水壶至少一个小时,把茄子压平。
- Spread the slices on a towel and pat them dry before frying.
- 把茄子片放在纸巾上,压干,然后再煎。
- STEP 4 Fry the eggplant in vegetable oil in a large frying pan until the slices are golden brown.
- 用植物油在大煎锅里煎至茄子金黄色。
- STEP 5 Replace the fried slices to the colander and serve as a nutritious side dish.
- 把煎好的茄子片捞回滤器里,营养美味的副菜就做好了。
- Did you know? Eggplant is a fruit, and is classified botanically as a berry.
- 茄子是一种水果,植物学上被归入浆果类。
Eggplant is a delicious, hearty, and versatile food. One of the easiest and most satisfying ways to prepare eggplant is to fry it up.
A kitchen towel (optional)
STEP 1 Top and peel eggplant
Cut the top from the eggplant with a kitchen knife, and then peel the skin off with a paring knife.
STEP 2 Slice the eggplant
Slice the eggplant into 1/2-inch slices.
Place the eggplant slices in your colander and sprinkle them with salt, making sure to cover every slice. Then weigh down the eggplant with a large pot for at least one hour to flatten it.
Spread the slices on a towel and pat them dry before frying.
Fry the eggplant in vegetable oil in a large frying pan until the slices are golden brown.
STEP 5 Transfer back to colander
Replace the fried slices to the colander and serve as a nutritious side dish.
Eggplant is a fruit, and is classified botanically as a berry.
来源:可可英语 http://www.kekenet.com/Article/201412/349230.shtml