Stretching and toning are certainly important, but their benefitsare different from that of aerobic exercise.
Surprisingly,aerobic exercise isn't just beneficial to your heart, it alsosharpens your mind.
You don't have to be a jock to enjoy the brain benefits of aerobic exercise.
Moderateaerobic exercise is plenty.

Several studies involving older adultsdemonstrated that simply walking a mile or so three times a week,increases blood flow in the brainand strengthens connections between neurons, resulting in improved mental performance ontasks requiring attention.
One of the studies divided a group of seniors into two different six-month exercise coursesonecourse consisting of aerobic exercise,the other consisting of stretching and toning.
Again, we'renot talking about marathon-training here.
The aerobic-training course gradually built itsparticipants up to walking 45 minutes at a moderate pace three times a week.
At the end of the course, the people who completed the aerobic training showed significantimprovements in attention-related mental tasks.
The stretching and toning group showed littleimprovement.