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有声读物《远大前程》 第61期:第11章 匹普出席一个葬礼(2)

编辑:mike   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • My sister's dead body was carried slowly out of the house and through the village, followed by all of us.
  • 我姐姐的尸体被缓慢地抬出屋子,通过村庄,我们紧随其后。
  • We could see the marshes, and the sails of ships on the river.And there, in the churchyard, next to my unknown parents,
  • 我们能看到沼泽地和河里航行的船只。在教堂墓地,紧挨着我一无所知的父母,
  • my poor sister was laid quietly in the earth, while the birds sang and the clouds danced in the sky.
  • 我那可怜的姐姐安静地躺在泥土里,这时天空上乌云翻滚,乌鸦尖叫。
  • Biddy, Joe and I felt better when all the guests had gone, and we had a quiet supper together.
  • 当客人们都走了,我和乔、毕蒂心情稍好一些,我们一起吃了顿安静的晚餐。
  • I decided to spend the night at the forge, which pleased Joe very much.I was pleased with myself for offering to do so.
  • 我决定在铁匠铺过夜,这使乔十分高兴,我对自己提出这样做也感到高兴。
  • I waited until I found Biddy alone.Then I said, I suppose you won't be able to stay here now, will you, Biddy?
  • 我一直等到毕蒂一个人在的时候,这时我说:我猜你不会再在这里住下去了,不是吗?毕蒂。
  • No, Mr Pip.I'll stay in the village, but I'll still look after Mr Gargery as much as I can.
  • 不,匹普先生,我会住在这个村庄的,而且继续尽全力照顾葛吉瑞先生。
  • How are you going to live, Biddy?If you want any money—
  • 你打算怎样生活,毕蒂?如果你需要钱的话—
  • I'm going to be the village schoolteacher, she said quickly, her cheeks pink.I can earn my own money.
  • 我打算做一名村办教师,她的脸颊红润起来,很快地说,我能自己挣钱。
  • Tell me, Biddy, how did my sister die? She had been worse than usual, when one evening she said, very clearly, Joe.
  • 告诉我,毕蒂,我姐姐是怎么死的?她的情况比平时反常,一天晚上,她特别清楚地说,乔。
  • And so I ran to the forge to fetch him.And she put her arms round his neck and laid her head on his shoulder, quite happy.
  • 因此,我跑到铁匠铺叫他。她搂着他的脖子,头扎在他怀里,看上去很快乐。
  • Once she saidsorry, and once Pip.She never lifted her head up again, and an hour later she died.
  • 一次,她说对不起,一次说匹普,她再也没有抬起头,半小时后她离开了人间。
  • Biddy cried, and I cried too. What happened to Orlick, Biddy? He's still in the village.
  • 毕蒂哭泣我也哭泣着。奥立克怎么样,毕蒂?他仍然在村里,
  • He doesn't work for Miss Havisham any more.You know, he-he follows me sometimes.
  • 他再没有为郝薇香小姐干活。你知道,他—他有时还尾随着我。


My sister's dead body was carried slowly out of the house and through the villagefollowed by all of us

We could see the marshesand the sails of ships on the riverAnd therein the churchyardnext to my unknown parents
my poor sister was laid quietly in the earthwhile the birds sang and the clouds danced in the sky
BiddyJoe and I felt better when all the guests had goneand we had a quiet supper together
I decided to spend the night at the forgewhich pleased Joe very muchI was pleased with myself for offering to do so
I waited until I found Biddy aloneThen I saidI suppose you won't be able to stay here nowwill youBiddy
NoMr PipI'll stay in the villagebut I'll still look after Mr Gargery as much as I can
How are you going to liveBiddyIf you want any money
I'm going to be the village schoolteachershe said quicklyher cheeks pinkI can earn my own money
Tell meBiddyhow did my sister dieShe had been worse than usualwhen one evening she saidvery clearlyJoe
And so I ran to the forge to fetch himAnd she put her arms round his neck and laid her head on his shoulderquite happy
Once she saidsorryand once PipShe never lifted her head up againand an hour later she died
Biddy criedand I cried tooWhat happened to OrlickBiddyHe's still in the village
He doesn't work for Miss Havisham any moreYou knowhehe follows me sometimes


重点单词   查看全部解释    
shoulder ['ʃəuldə]


n. 肩膀,肩部
v. 扛,肩负,承担,(用肩

forge [fɔ:dʒ]


vt. 伪造,锻造
vi. 伪造,在铁匠铺工作

unknown ['ʌn'nəun]


adj. 未知的,不出名的





