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编辑:Jasmine   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
  • Here is a bright idea, a low-energy light-bulb with a twist.
  • 这是一个好主意,一个有着纠结外表的节能灯泡。
  • It's designed to be astatically pleasing.
  • 它的设计能取悦所有人。
  • It's called the Plumen 001 and it's the creation of Hulger, a small London start-up co-founded by Nicolas Roop.
  • 它就是Plumen001,由伦敦Hulger公司出品,由Nicolas Roop和他的合作伙伴共同发明。
  • The inspiration is really that, we know we should be using low-energy light-bulbs, but, they are horrible, so we thought we fix up by making a nice one, that's really simple.
  • 这项发明的灵感来源于日常生活中的节能灯泡,但是,真正的节能灯泡质量又不好,我想我们只是发明了一种新的灯泡来取代旧的。我们的初衷就是这么简单。
  • For this new design to take off it must take on the design classic.
  • 如果这种新型的灯泡想要流行起来,那它首先要取代传统的经典灯泡。
  • Incandescent bulbs have changed very little since Thomas Edison first made them commercially available in 1879.
  • 自1879年托马斯·爱迪生首次发明白炽灯泡并使它商业化开始,
  • There have been efficiency improvements, but they reached the limit about half century ago.
  • 白炽灯泡几乎没有改良过,传统的灯泡在半个世纪以前就已无法满足人们需求了。
  • Increasingly governments have been moving to phase out the traditional energy hungry designs in favor of low-energy alternatives.
  • 越来越多的政府机关逐步淘汰传统的耗能灯泡,转而偏爱节能灯泡。
  • Public enthusiasm for the shift however has been not what you characterized as glowing.
  • 而群众对这一转变的看法并不如预期的那么理想。
  • People won't exchange what they already have for something that is sustainable, it is ugly or the design quality isn't the same.
  • 人们不会轻易更换他们平时用惯的东西,虽然老设计很丑,质量也不好。
  • Duncan Richards is the consultant for the London design store SCP, one of the first retailers to stock the new compact fluorescent light.
  • Duncan Richards是伦敦design store SCP的顾问,他也是第一个荧光灯的零售商。
  • It's an environmentally sound product, and it's the sort of the product that's sustainable for living idea.
  • 这款灯泡是环保产品,是有利于人类可持续发展的产品。
  • I think it lasts 8 times longer than normal bulb, and use that time less-energy, or something like that.
  • 它比一般的灯泡持久耐用达8倍之久,并且消耗能源更少。
  • But at the same time, it's gonna to cite a mistake about it, it's an interesting product visually.
  • 但同时,它同样也说明了一个问题。它只是一款最常见的有趣味性的环保产品。
  • To begin with, the Plumen will only be available in Europe.
  • 这款灯泡将只在欧洲销售。
  • In the UK its retailing for 20 pounds which is about 31 dollars, and a great deal more expensive than what consumers are custom to spending on a light-bulb.
  • 在英国售价20英镑,相当于31美元,比消费者平时购买的传统灯泡贵了很多。
  • Light-bulbs have always been a low-value item, you know, people pay 50 pound for them.
  • 灯泡只会是人们的一项小的开销,要知道,人们也就花费50英镑左右购买他们。
  • Michael George Hymas is the director at Hulger and says he believes the high price for the low-energy bulb needs to be seen in context.
  • Michael George Hymas是Hulger公司的主管,他相信在将来社会中人们需要这种价格高但节约能源的环保灯。
  • Because we can charge a bit more, we can use a better grid of forestall which is what pad used to call the tubes.
  • 因为每个人多花费一些,我们就能使用节约出更多的能源。
  • We can use slightly better electronics which means we get a longer lifetime.
  • 我们会有更多的能源,这样人类就能存活得更久。
  • It starts up much quicker, and almost instantly, and we get me is very important and nice warm white light.
  • 这种节能灯泡启动更加快速,瞬间既能点亮,对于我来说,柔和的白光十分重要。
  • Hulger already has one design success in its past, an array of retrofitted handsets designed for use with the internet-calling tool—Skype, and more recently the iPad.
  • Hulger公司曾经成功改进翻新过一款手机外形,那是专门使用网络语音工具Skype的产品。最近他们参加设计的有iPad。
  • But this new light represents an even more daring attempt to rework a familiar item to bring it in line with the needs of the modern day.
  • 但现在设计的这款灯泡似乎更加地大胆张扬,因为每家每户都会用到灯泡,他们设计的灯泡将来有可能在生产线上大批量生产,
  • The payoff too, stands to be much greater.
  • 而回报也会相当之丰富。
  • Mike K, Reuters.
  • Mike K报道,路透社消息。


Here is a bright idea, a low-energy light-bulb with a twist. It's designed to be astatically pleasing. It's called the Plumen 001 and it's the creation of Hulger, a small London start-up co-founded by Nicolas Roop.

这是一个好主意,一个有着纠结外表的节能灯泡。它的设计能取悦所有人。它就是Plumen001,由伦敦Hulger公司出品,由Nicolas Roop和他的合作伙伴共同发明。

The inspiration is really that, we know we should be using low-energy light-bulbs, but, they are horrible, so we thought we fix up by making a nice one, that's really simple.


For this new design to take off it must take on the design classic. Incandescent bulbs have changed very little since Thomas Edison first made them commercially available in 1879. There have been efficiency improvements, but they reached the limit about half century ago.


Increasingly governments have been moving to phase out the traditional energy hungry designs in favor of low-energy alternatives. Public enthusiasm for the shift however has been not what you characterized as glowing.


People won't exchange what they already have for something that is sustainable, it is ugly or the design quality isn't the same.


Duncan Richards is the consultant for the London design store SCP, one of the first retailers to stock the new compact fluorescent light.

Duncan Richards是伦敦design store SCP的顾问,他也是第一个荧光灯的零售商。

It's an environmentally sound product, and it's the sort of the product that's sustainable for living idea. I think it lasts 8 times longer than normal bulb, and use that time less-energy, or something like that. But at the same time, it's gonna to cite a mistake about it, it's an interesting product visually.


To begin with, the Plumen will only be available in Europe. In the UK its retailing for 20 pounds which is about 31 dollars, and a great deal more expensive than what consumers are custom to spending on a light-bulb.


Light-bulbs have always been a low-value item, you know, people pay 50 pound for them.


Michael George Hymas is the director at Hulger and says he believes the high price for the low-energy bulb needs to be seen in context.

Michael George HymasHulger公司的主管,他相信在将来社会中人们需要这种价格高但节约能源的环保灯。

Because we can charge a bit more, we can use a better grid of forestall which is what pad used to call the tubes. We can use slightly better electronics which means we get a longer lifetime. It starts up much quicker, and almost instantly, and we get me is very important and nice warm white light.


Hulger already has one design success in its past, an array of retrofitted handsets designed for use with the internet-calling toolSkype, and more recently the iPad. But this new light represents an even more daring attempt to rework a familiar item to bring it in line with the needs of the modern day. The payoff too, stands to be much greater.


Mike K, Reuters.

Mike K报道,路透社消息。

phase out淘汰


重点单词   查看全部解释    
exchange [iks'tʃeindʒ]


n. 交换,兑换,交易所
v. 交换,兑换,交

cite [sait]


vt. 引用,引证,举(例)

classic ['klæsik]


n. 古典作品,杰作,第一流艺术家

inspiration [.inspə'reiʃən]


n. 灵感,吸入,鼓舞人心(的东西)

glowing ['gləuiŋ]


adj. 灼热的,热情的,强烈的 动词glow的现在分词

enthusiasm [in'θju:ziæzəm]


n. 热情,热心;热衷的事物

context ['kɔntekst]


n. 上下文,环境,背景

quality ['kwɔliti]


n. 品质,特质,才能
adj. 高品质的

pleasing ['pli:ziŋ]


adj. 令人愉快的,讨人喜爱的 动词please的现在

forestall [fɔ:'stɔ:l]


vt. 领先,占先一步,先发制人





