This dive gonna be a lot of thing. Warm, is not on that list. Insulated suit will keep them alive under the ice for only sixty minutes. Once a helicopter departs, there's no marching for aero. The dive team begin to explore the lowest slopes of Alps, discovering a hidden world rarely seen by humans. Patrolling the icy shores of the volcano are killer whales, the most thuddingly in the world.
Tracking them from above is the orca team . They need the helicopter to get ahead of the whales into land them on the fragile sea ice. Cameraman Jenion Mafirse must pick his foot carefully. His aim is to get the cameras as close to the killer whales as possible without disturbing them. Year, clear almost. He uses a film camera to capture the action in slow motion. And the orcas come right by. Even in extreme cold, a film camera proves to be rugged and reliable, provided as it does in a film as a camera.