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背诵为王第一册 Unit39:Visiting Shakespeare's Home

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  • 39 Visiting Shakespeare Home.
  • 39莎士比亚故居之旅
  • In 1998, when I was working for an export company, I went to England.
  • 1998年,我在一个出口公司工作的时候,去了一趟英国。
  • After finishing my business, which took several days, I went to Stratford, where Shakespeare was born.
  • 花几天时间干完公务后,我去了斯特拉特福德,莎士比亚出生的地方。
  • In Stratford, I visited several sites that are associated with Shakespeare, including the house where he was born,
  • 在斯特拉特福德,我参观了几处与莎士比亚有关的场所,包括他出生时的房子、
  • the church where he was buried, and the cottage where his wife's family lived.
  • 死后埋葬的教堂以及他妻子的家人居住的村舍。
  • I wanted to see a play, so I asked at the theatre box office for whatever tickets were available.
  • 我想去看一出戏剧,所以就向剧院售票处询问哪场戏剧有票,
  • I got a seat for The Merchant of Venice, which is my favorite play.
  • 结果买到了《威尼斯商人》的票,这是我最喜欢的戏剧。
  • Afterwards, I waited at the stage door for my favorite actor, who was in the play.
  • 之后,我在后台入口处等到了剧中我最喜欢的演员。
  • I got his autograph and talked to him.
  • 我得到了他的亲笔签名并和他交谈。
  • It is an experience that I will remember forever.
  • 这次经历我永远不会忘记。


39 Visiting Shakespeares Home

In 1998, when I was working for an export company, I went to England. After
finishing my business, which took several days, I went to Stratford, where
Shakespeare was born. In Stratford, I visited several sites that are
associated with Shakespeare, including the house where he was born, the church
where he was buried, and the cottage where his wife's family lived. I wanted
to see a play, so I asked at the theatre box office for whatever tickets were
available. I got a seat for The Merchant of Venice, which is my favourite
play. Afterwards, I waited at the stage door for my favourite actor, who was
in the play. I got his autograph and talked to him. It is an experience that I
will remember forever.

export 出口
associated 有关的,有联系的
bury 埋葬
cottage 村舍
merchant 商人
autograph 亲笔签名






