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Unit Nine cool

  义 Everyday Expressions
The room was cool after the sun had gone down. (太阳落山后这房子里很凉爽。)
Don't get excited about the examination; keep cool. (不要对考试太激动,沉着点。)
Michael seemed very cool towards us today. I wonder whether we've offended him. (迈克尔今天对我们十分冷淡,不知我们是否冒犯了他。)
Its cool!
Try and keep your cool.
We cooled down by swimming in the river. (我们在河里游泳,好凉快凉快。)

  生活用语Street Talks
Theres a cool breeze this evening, isnt there?
Tom thinks hes really cool, doesnt he? (hip, popular…)
Would you cool it with your complaining?
I needed to cool down after that long run.
Id like a cool one right about now.
Tell you what, let me bring us some nice, cool drink from the fridge so that we can sit back.
A: Hey tell ya what, let me get us a nice cool drink from the freezer.
B: Cool, sounds like a great idea.


Everyday Expressions
Living costs are mostly higher in cities than in the country.
Feminists are determined to obtain their rights at all costs.
This vase cost me thirty dollars.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Are you going to buy a new house?
B: A new house? You must be kidding. The cost is too
high for me.
A: Your cars cute, York.
B: Yeah, but it cost me an arm and a leg.
A: Diving can be very dangerous, as I found to my cost. (吃
B: Yeah, your careless driving almost cost your life.
A: I like that bag, what did it cost you?
B: Ten bucks.
A: Please, could you do me this last favor?
B: Ok, but its gonna cost you!
Ill get a new job at any cost!
Fools pursue pleasure regardless of the cost.
Courtesy costs little and means much.
What cost nothing is worth nothing.


Everyday Expressions
There is a large crowd of people in the hall.
Advertisements seek to appeal to the crowd.
Shoppers crowded Wangfujing Street yesterday.
Many past memories crowded in upon Andys mind.
Her mind was crowded with whys.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: What can we do? Theres a big crowd waiting in front of the
B: I dont know neither. We had difficulty getting a taxi.
A: Lets see what Bob would say about it.
B: Dont expect anything original from him, he just follows
the crowd. (新名堂)
A: Did you enjoy the concert?
B: Yeah,but it was too crowded
A: Dan cares too much about being part of theincrowd.
B: No kidding.
This DJ is a good crowd-pleaser. (be good at pleasing crowd)

A crowd is not company.
The man who follows the crowd often follows his doom.
Twos company, threes a crowd.


  义 Everyday Expressions
The injured girl cried for help.
The workers cried for a raise in pay.
Dont cry!
I cried, “Watch out!”
Sally gave a loud cry at the sight of the wolf.
Leslie raised a hysterical cry.
  生活用语Street Talks
Dont cry, Laura. You dont have to work there.
The boy cried for help.
Icys been crying her heart out over that bum that left her. (一无是处的家伙)
A: Frank and Jane broke up!
B: Yeah, and he cried his eyes out but finally got over her.
I heard someone crying out, but couldnt tell where they were.
We heard loud cries coming from inside the building.
Better the childs cry than the mothers sigh.
there is no use crying over spilt milk.

  义 Everyday Expressions

Whats the date of your birthday?
I have a date with Tom tonight.
She is my date.
Theyve been dating for months.
The traditional friendship between our two peoples dates back to ancient days.
生活用语Street Talks
A: Scott! So tell me, How was yourbig datelast night? (重要的约会)
B: Oh, Gosh! That blind date was so ugly that I wished for a moment that I were blind, too.
A: Lets make a date to go shopping next Monday.
B: Ok!
A: Did you hear Fred and Jenny are dating?
B: No way!
A: Victoria,you got time tonight?
B: Dont bother me, Im on a date.
Its hard for me to keep a date. My boss forces me to work overtime. (not miss a date with somebody)
Next time I buy tickets for the theater, Ill be sure to look at the date.


Everyday Expressions
They made a deal with a Chinese firm.
We played four deals in 30 minutes.
Do you know how to deal with the kids?
Grandma dealt out the fruit to kids.( 祖母给孩子们分发水果。)
生活用语Street Talks
A: The boss is going to give us a twenty-cent-an-hour raise.
B: Big deal! (讽刺口气)
A: Ill treat you to dinner tonight. Six oclock. Ill pick up you
B: Its a deal! (一言为定)
A: I heard a big noise down the hall last night. Whats the
deal? (怎么了)
B: Nothing special. Forget it.
A: Ouch! That hurts!
B: Sorry!
A: Only sorry? Are you blind?
B: Oh, come on. I only stepped on your toe. Dont make a big deal out of it.
A: What do you think of Victor?
B: I like talking with him. He has a great deal of experience.
A: Ill give you the money tomorrow.
B: Eh, no big deal. (No problem.)
A: I got a good deal on that pair of shoes.
Hey, how come youre dealing me out? (不发牌)
Im going to cut you a good deal on this car.
(give somebody a deal)

  义 Everyday Expressions
I have no doubt of his coming.
I doubted whether the story was true.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Liz will be fired if shes late again.
B: Without a doubt. (毫无疑问)
A: Do you think the manager will come to the morning briefing?
B: Hell come, no doubt. (毫无疑问)
A: Think hell win first place in the race?
B: I doubt it. (我想不会)
She doubted herself so much that it harmed her.
I doubt his intentions. (distrust)
It is doubtful whether Ronaldo will play tomorrow.
Doubt the worst and hope for the best.
Where doubt ends peace of mind begins.
He who doubts nothing knows nothing.
Honest doubt is better than in a pious fraud.

Everyday Expressions
I dreamed a sweet dream last night.
I dreamed of/about my grandma.
I never dreamed of seeing you here.
I had a terrible dream last night.
  生活用语Street Talks
Tom has started dreaming up a story.
I dreamt about my teacher last night.
I dream of being the best footballer in town.
A: Whats your dream, Apple?
B: I dream of marrying a French.
A: Youre kidding, Apple.
B: No, I know its just a pipe dream, but its true. (白日梦)
Stop daydreaming and get back to work.
I never dream of hurting a lady.
Every man is great in their dreams.
It is good to have dreams, they keep you going.

  谚语 Proverbs
Dreams go by contraries.
Foolish men have foolish dreams.

  义 Everyday Expressions
Please try on this evening dress.
Betty was dressed in black.
Alice got dressed up for dinner.
Victoria dressed her hair with taste.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Joan, your ceremonial dress looks beautiful. Its so special. (礼服)
B: Thanks. I brought it back with me from China. Its made of silk.
A: Mom, what should I wear for the party tonight?
B: Not fashionable or low dress anymore. (时髦的衣服;袒胸衣)Try this one. This evening dress doesnt fit me anymore.
A: Poor Susan! What does she do? She was so sure Jack was going to marry her that she arranged everything!
B: And now shes left all dressed up with nowhere to go.(计划全部落空)
A: I dont understand how come Jacks just run away!
B: God bless Susan!
Hi Victoria, youre dressed to kill/impress tonight!

  义 Everyday Expressions
The leaves fall in fall. (秋天树叶凋落。)
The snow is falling fast.
Be careful on the ice or you will fall.
The temperature fell.
to fall sick
to fall in love with sb.
The city fell to the enemy.
Night has fallen.
生活用语Street Talks
I didn't wanna take a fall, but the cop left me no choice. (被捕)
He suffered a fall from his horse.
There has been a fall in the price of food.
A: Once I saw Mark, I fell. (I fell under the spell of Mark.) (爱上他了)
B: Youre kidding, Acy. Ill never believe you fall for that old trick! (对(信以为真)
Oliver fell behind in the race.
Everyone was falling all over Bob after he won the big jackpot. (倾心于)
Father thought he could make a go of it (赚一笔钱)in business, but he fell flat on his ass/face the first year. (一败涂地)
A: You expect me to take the fall for what you did? (背黑锅)
B: Tommy, I could pay you for it.
A: Kiss my ass! Im not stupid!
The falling out of lovers is the renewing of love.
The higher you climb the greater will be your fall.


  义 Everyday Expressions
He caught two fishes.
My uncle went fishing in the river.
Why are you fishing around in your pockets?
  生活用语Street Talks
Andy is just a fish, dont be too critical! (新手)
Which would you rather havesteak or fish?
We had fish for dinner. How about you?
He planted a big fish-kiss right on my lips. (鱼吻,噘嘴吻)
Theres something fishy about this situation. (怀疑)
Hes drinking like a fish. (他嗜酒成性)
A: No one knows Marine is a writer; shes a cold fish. (不大与人来往的人)
B: Yeah, a queer fish tooyou know, she hasnt never been out of her house for years. (古怪的人)
A: Didnt you close the door before you went shopping,Jane?
B: I bet I did. I dont know whats going on.
A: Oh, no! Something fishy going on.
B: Yeah, Lets call the police.

Fish begins to stink at the head.
Never fish in troubled waters.


  义 Everyday Expressions
Professor Lee always has a book in his hand.
There are the hour hand, the minute hand and the second hand on the face of a clock. (钟表表面上有时针、分针和秒针。)
Youll find the hospital on your left hand.
The audience gave a big hand to the singer.
Elizabeth gave me her hand.
After you have read this, kindly hand it on to your friends.
The murder case was handed over to the police.
  生活用语Street Talks
When the actress came onto the stage, everyone gave her a big hand.
Your right hand is swollen. Does it hurt?
The beggar wants a free handout.
A: Hands up! Give me all your valuables. (举起手来)
B: Please dont hurt me. Heres what you want. Money...
A: Does Marina still live here?
B: No, this house has changed hands.
A: I was wondering whos available to give me a hand. (帮我一个忙)
B: Go to Caul. Hes always willing to extend a helping hand. (伸出援助之手)
A: Paul asked Rebeccas hand in marriage. (向某人求婚)
B: I dont think Rebecca will give her hand to him. (女子答应和某人结婚)
A: I know, everybody expected Rebecca to decline his hand. But... (拒决求婚)
B: But what? Dont tell me Paul won Rebeccas hand. (求得某女子同意)
A: Sorry it happened!
B: Oh no!
A: Youve done a good job. Ill hand it to you. (佩服你)
B: Thank you.
  义 Everyday Expressions
I helped Ben to find his lost watch.
Please help yourself to wine.
It is the drugs that help to fight pain.
I cried for help.
  生活用语Street Talks
We may be able to help you in some way.
Can I help you with something?
Its a great help to me.
I helped Jim with his homework.
I cant help it.
He lend me a helping hand.
You need to get some help.
A: Why dont you help Jim?
B: Hes beyond help.
A: Was Rick of any help?
B: Sure. He was great.

  谚语 Proverbs
If you help everybody you help nobody.
Slow help is no help.
God helps those who help themselves.


  义 Everyday Expressions
We hope to see you again.
I hope it will be fine next week.
Everyone hopes for success.
Theres no hope of his success.
Steven is the hope of his school.
  生活用语Street Talks
I hope so.
He is beyond all hope.
I hope were not interrupting anything.
We hope to see you soon.
Let's hope for the best.
Theres no hope of his returning.
I went there in hopes of seeing you again.

While theres life,theres hope.
Dont feed yourself on false hopes.
Hope is the poor mans bread.

重点单词   查看全部解释    
dealing ['di:liŋ]


n. 经营方法,行为态度

available [ə'veiləbl]


adj. 可用的,可得到的,有用的,有效的

fraud [frɔ:d]


n. 骗子,欺骗,诈欺

courtesy ['kə:tisi]


n. 礼貌,好意,恩惠

pursue [pə'sju:]


v. 追捕,追求,继续从事

extend [iks'tend]


v. 扩充,延伸,伸展,扩展

bother ['bɔðə]


v. 使恼怒,使不安,烦扰,费心
n. 烦扰,

impress [im'pres]


n. 印象,特徵,印记
v. 使 ... 有印

original [ə'ridʒənl]


adj. 最初的,原始的,有独创性的,原版的

doubtful ['dautfəl]


adj. 可疑的,疑心的,不确定的





