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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 13

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华尔街基础英语 Lesson 13

1. Good morning. Here we are outside our hotel in Brighton
2. Today we’re going for a walk in the beautiful countryside here,
3. And I must say, we’re lucky to have very nice weather for it,
4. We have some lunch, too—the hotel kindly made us some sandwiches—and we have a car.
5. This is the one.
6. Geez, it’s small, why is everything so damn small in this country? Small and old?
7. So, Alan’s going to drive, and I’m going to show him where to go,
8. I think I can remember how to get here. But I have a map anyway.
9. So honey, off we go! And remember: in Britain they drive on the other side of the road.
10. So where are we going?
11. We’re going to the Devil’s Dyke.
12. What did you say? “The Devil’s Dyke”?
13. Honey, in British English a “dyke” is like,
14. A kind of place between two hills where the ground, like, goes down,
15. Oh, yeah?
16. Anyway, just look at the road, Alan, and remember to drive on the left.
17. You already said that, about ten thousand times, so which way now?
18. Uh, take a left here, you see? Where the sign says “London”.
19. Ok, Devil’s Dyke.
20. Here, take a right here!
21. How can I take a right? All the other cars are going left.
22. No, you go left, and then you go round, and then you take a right.
23. What do you mean? But then we’ll go back the way we came, back into Brighton.
24. No, we won’t! Look, you see the sign saying “Lewes”.
25. No, where’s that? I can’t see it. Oh to hell with it, I’ll just go on!
26. That was just great, Alan. Now we’re on the freeway to London.
27. So we’ll go to London. I’m sure there are lots of old strange sounding places in London.
28. We’re not going to London, honey. You can take the next exit from the freeway, and go back the way we came.
29. That’s just what I said. We’re going back to Brighton.
30. Then why did we come here anyway? Why did we hire this crummy little car?
31. When we get back to that place where you didn’t take a right, like I asked you, you can take a left this time, OK?
32. Alright.
33. So, this is the exit. You take a left here, then you take a right.
34. And you take a left here, and then we’ll be back on the freeway but going the other way.
35. Oh, so we get to see the other side of the freeway? That’s great!
36. Now, you take a left here, Alan, do you think you can do that?









