
时间:2008-3-1 22:04:14  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

2007年度全国职称外语等级考试试卷英 语(综合类B级)


 1.I have been trying to quit  smoking.

  A.give up B.pick up C.build up D.take up

  2.Relief workers  were shocked by what they saw.

  A.moved B.touched C.surprised D.worried

  3.The weather is a constant subject  of conversation in Britain.

  A.question B.problem C.title D.topic

  4.This is not typical  of English,but is a feature of the Chinese language.

  A.particular B.characteristic C.remarkable D.idiomatic

  5.It is virtually impossible to persuade him to apply for the job.

  A.simply B.almost C.totally D.completely

  6.These are defensive behavior patterns  which derive  from our fears.

  A.stem B.rely C.develop D.grow

  7.Only a small minority of the mentally ill are liable to harm themselves or others.

  A.easy B.possible C.likely D.difficult

  8.They have the capability  to destroy the enemy in a few days.

  A.possibility B.necessity C.ability D.probability

  9.We have never seen such gorgeous hills.

  A.beautiful B.stretching C.spreading D.rolling

  10.The leaves have been swept into huge heaps.

  A.loads B.layers C.pyramids D.piles

  11.The news will horrify everyone.

  A.attract B.terrify C.tempt D.excite

  12.The article sketched the major events of the decade.

  A.described B.offered C.outlined D.presented

  13.I won't tolerate that kind of behavior.

  A.bear B.receive C.admit D.take

  14.Their style of playing football is utterly different.

  A.barely B.scarcely C.hardly D.totally

  15.Her sister urged her to apply for the job.

  A.advised B.caused C.forced D.promised


Scotland:A Land of Wisdom

  In the 1740s,the famous French philosopher Voltaire said"We look to Scotland for all our ideas of civilization."That's not a bad advertisement for any country when it comes to attracting people to search for a first-class education.

  According to the American author Arthur Herman,the Scots invented the modern world itself.He argues that Scottish thinkers and intellectuals worked out many of the most important ideas on which modern life depends-everything from the scientific method to market economics.Their ideas did not just spread among intellectuals,but to those people in business,government and the sciences who actually shaped the Western world.

  It all started during the period that historians call the Scottish Enlightenment(启蒙运动),which is usually seen as taking place between the years 1740 and 1800.Before that,philosophy was mainly concemed with religion.For the thinkers of the Scottish Enlightenment,the proper study of humanity was mankind itself.

  Their reasoning was practical.For the philosopher David Hume,humanity was the right subject for philosophy because we can examine human behavior and so find real evidence of how people think and feel.And from that we can make judgments about the societies we live in and make concrete suggestions about how they can be improved,for universal benefit.

  Hume's enquiry into the nature of knowledge laid the foundations for the scientific method-the pursuit of truth through experiment.His friend and fellow resident of Edinburgh,Adam Smith,famously applied the study of mankind to the ways in which mankind does business.Trade,he argued,was a form of infrmation.In pursuing our own interests through trading in markets,we all come to benefit each other.

  Smith's idea has dominated modern views of economics.It also has wide applications.He was one of the philosophers to point out that nations can become rich,free and powerful through peace,trade and invention.

  Although the Scottish Enlightenment ended a long time ago,the ideas which evolved at that time still underpin(构成……的基础)our theories of human exchange and enquiry.It also exists in Scotland itself in an educational tradition that combines academic excellence with orientation(方向).

  16.Scotland is the right place to receive a first-class education.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

  17.According to Arthur Herman,the Scots developed many important ideas which modern life depends on.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

  18.Philosophers had come to know the importance of studying humanity even before the Scottish Enlightenment took place.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

  19.David Hume was the first philosopher to study mankind.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

  20.Smith's idea has extensive applications.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

  21.Our current theories of human exchange and enquiry have nothing to do with the ideas developed during the Scottish Enlightenment.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

  22.Smith died in 1800.
  A.Right  B.Wrong  C.Not mentioned

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