
时间:2008-2-28 17:49:50  作者:alex 鍙彲鑻辫-骞磋交浜虹殑鑻辫鍚璁粌骞冲彴

第6部分: 完形填空(第51~65题,每题1分,共15分)
The Great Newspaper War
Up until about 100 years ago, newspapers in the United States appealed only to the most serious readers. They used no illustrations and the articles were__________(51)politics or business.
Two men_________(52) that –Joseph Pulitzer of the New York World and William Randolph Hearst of the New York Morning Journal. Pulitzer_________(53) the New York World in 1883. he changed it form a traditional newspaper into a very_________(54) one overnight(一夜之间). He__________(55) lots of illustrations and cartoons. And he told his reporters to write articles on__________(56) crime or scandal they could find. And they did. One of them even pretended she was crazy and then she was__________(57) to a mental hospital. She them wrote a series of articles about the poor_________(58)of patients in those hospitals.
In 1895, Hearst___________(59) to New York from California. He wanted the New York Morning Journal to be more sensational(轰动的) and more exciting_____________(60) the New York World. He also wanted it to be cheaper, so he_______________(61) the price by a penny. Hearst attracted attention because his headlines were bigger than_________(62). He often said, “Big print makes big news.”
Pulitzer and Hearst did anything they_____________(63) to sell newspapers. For example, Hearst sent Frederic Remington, the famous illustrator(插图画家), to_____________(64) pictures of the Spanish-American War. When he got there, he told Hearst that no fighting was___________(65). Hearst answered, “You furnish (提供) the pictures. I’ll furnish the war.”
51.   A  about      B  in          C  with         D  of
52   A  accepted    B  developed   C  started       D  changed
53   A  published   B  bought      C  issued       D   printed
54   A  boring      B  practical    C  exciting      D  natural
55   A  cancelled    B  approved   C  solved       D  added
56  A  every      B  all        C   both        D  many
57  A  invited     B  admitted   C  accepted     D    called
58  A  treatment   B  reputation  C  work        D  results
59  A  arrived     B   reached   C   changed    D   came
60  A  than       B   as        C   in         D  for
61  A  increased   B   reduced   C   fixed       D  offered
62  A  anyone     B   anyone’s   C  anyone else  D  anyone else’s
63  A  may       B   might      C  must      D   could
64  A  get        B    keep      C   draw     D   make
65  A  going      B   lasting     C  going on   D taking on

1- 30每题1分:31-45每题3分:46-50每题2分:51-65每题1分。
1 B     2 A    3 A     4 C     5 B      6 D      7 C      8 C        9 C       10 C
11B    12 D   13 A    14 A    15 B     16 C      17 A     18 B       19 A      20 B
21 B    22 C  23 B    24 E    25 C      26 D      27 B    28 C       29 A      30 E

31 B    32 C   33 D    34 B    35 D     36 A      37 C    38D       39 A        40 B
41C    42 B    43 B    44 D   45 A

46 D     47 A     48 F        49 C       50 E

51 A      52D     53B      54 C     55D       56 A       57 B      58 A      59 D      60 A
61 B      62D     63 D     64 C     65 C

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