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灵异故事:Burning Down the House(烧毁房子) 04
时间:2009-5-13 18:41:03  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

When Michelle called the next day she wanted us to come over and do it again the next night and I told her that I wasn't going to do it. I looked at my sister and told her what Michelle wanted and she got a very weird expression on her face but didn't answer me. I told Michelle that neither of us was going to come over. I hung up the phone and asked Kelly what was wrong and she said that when she was looking at me she had a vision of a flash of fire go across my face. That really unnerved me. I almost called Michelle to tell her not to use the board that night but I changed my mind because I thought she would think we were nuts.

  A few days went by and we hadn't heard from Michelle so I tried to call her. But when I called her the operator said that the number was not in service. I tried one of her girlfriends that lives a few doors down and found out some horrifying news. Michelle's house had burned down the night before. No one was hurt but her and her family were staying at her grandmother's house. I got the number and called her there. The rest of the story is what she told me happened.

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