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灵异故事:Clubbing In The Afterlife(夜总会幽灵) 03
时间:2009-4-27 11:29:37  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

As I ran down the stairs towards the end of the Club I watched as she darted behind the stage curtains. Thinking she must be scared of getting busted and that she must be trying to steal something, I hurried after her! I flew through the curtain into the back stage area. I did not see her there so I began the search.

  After a good 15 mins of searching in a relatively small area I figured she must have slipped out to avoid being arrested. I then walked back to the balcony. As I put my foot on the first step I heard voices coming from the front of the club. Now since my boss left and I know I am alone, I walked into the front thinking my boss had returned, when I got there was no one to be found, and weirdly the stereo was turned off (I usually leave it on while I am working).

  I never saw the woman again but I always did hear voices from time to time, and the stereo or lights would go off without warning on their own. I never told my boss of the occurrences because I thought he might have me committed!

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