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灵异故事:Clubbing In The Afterlife(夜总会幽灵) 01
时间:2009-4-22 13:44:14  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

I used to work in a nightclub called Club Princess. It was not a fancy club; it was a casual dressed dance club. Although we were only open on Fridays, I would still be working on Thursdays and Saturdays. Thursdays I would stock beer in the fridge and Saturdays I would clean the mess from the night before which was horrifying. 

  It was a Thursday afternoon and I had showed up for work late. It was summer and it was a very hot day, so I was pretty glad to be able to stock the fridges because it would keep me cool.

  The club is comprised of 4 bars. One in the front and on either side was a doorway that led into the main club. On either side of the club was another bar. There were stairs that led into the balcony bar just above the front bar at the front of the club. To the other side of the club was the stage.

  I was in the balcony stocking the fridge at the bar, enjoying my simple task and the cool breeze from the fridge; my mind had wandered off as I was working to thoughts of my girlfriend. I had turned from the fridge to the counter on the bar where I sat the case of beer I was stocking. Moving the case out of the way to grab the next brand I glanced to the stage. Towards the right of the stage was the Emergency exit. In front of the Emergency exit stood a dark haired woman in a very light blue dress.

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