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灵异故事:Voodoo Magic(伏都巫术) 03
时间:2009-4-20 12:43:25  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

It was that bird again. Clear as day. I looked to the ground instantly, and I saw my voodoo doll. I took a step towards it, and it flew off, disappeared, whatever when I blinked. The voodoo doll was gone as well.

  Once again, we skip time to the house I am currently living in now. We finally got a computer with Internet, and my mother and I put it by the window (dad's outta the picture again). We just moved in, and the previous owners had put miniblinds on the windows. It was a pretty nice day; it had blue skies, sunny...

  I went to the computer and started instant messaging my friends. I know this sounds weird, but I was so interested in my friends, I didn't even notice the sky had gotten darker- not much, just enough. The computer is in the corner of the room, where there are two windows against my left wall, and two windows on the north wall. Wouldn't you know it, guess where we put the computer? Right in between them! I took a breath, leaning back in my chair. One of them (the fast/normal-speed typist) logged out. I looked to my window and (literally) jumped out of my chair, scrambling on the floor. There was the shadow of that bird. I screamed, and it flew off. I ran outside as hastily as possible and walked to the window where it was. I bent down and picked up my doll in the grass. To this day, it's resting on the counter in the kitchen.

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