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灵异故事:Spooky Pursuing Motorists (追赶我的开车幽灵) 03
时间:2009-3-17 14:29:43  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

第 1 页:英语原文
第 2 页:中文翻译

We reached her house without incident. I made her a drink and reassured that there is a rational explanation to everything. I even reassured myself. Once she had calmed down, she fell asleep, and I locked her doors from the outside and put the key back through the letterbox. I set off walking back to my own house. When I saw two glaring car headlights at the top of her street (which I had not noticed a very short time earlier) I once again started to freak out. So I started to run in the opposite direction to the car, which was incidentally the opposite direction to my house.

  My heart was racing, but I didn't know why - there was just something strange about this car. I can't explain it in words. You could feel it, and so did my girlfriend. Now it was my turn to start panicking. I ran down a number of alleyways and snickets, gradually working my way around the outskirts of the town back towards my house, and at the same time trying to avoid the roads like the plague. There was nobody to be seen anywhere or any other cars.

  I really, really started to get scared when I came close to a road and the strange car rolled by. It was as if it was looking for me. I ducked down below a hedge and hoped that I hadn't been seen (that is how serious it was getting), but before I did - I caught a quick glimpse of two fat faces with the 'odd expressions' my girlfriend had remarked on. The really were eerie. Like, melted. I don't know how to put it into words. Perhaps they were wearing masks? Nevertheless, it continued to drive on by me, so I assumed that I remained unseen. But it must have been a close call.


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