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灵异故事:怪声 怪腿 怪女孩 04
时间:2008-11-2 17:36:35  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

A Voice, A Pair Of Legs And A Girl 04
怪声·怪腿·怪女孩 04

  This last horrific thing happened only a few weeks ago.

  I had a friend over. We were at the house by ourselves. He told me that he was so thirsty he was about to die so I told him to go get something to drink out of the kitchen. While he was in there I was trying to find something to pull a prank on him when he got back but then I heard him scream louder than I have ever heard him. I ran to him in the kitchen and saw that he had dropped the drink on the floor, and he too was on the floor pale as a ghost itself. When I finally got him to talk he said that he saw a pair of legs run by him but their was not a body with them and at the same time he heard a voice whisper in his ear,” You do not belong here." We tried to forget what he had seen and heard but not 5 minutes later I looked out of my room and saw that girl in the red dress looking at me and smiling.

  To this day I do not know why these "spirits" are here doing this to me and I have a feeling that I will never know.






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