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灵异故事:怪声 怪腿 怪女孩 02
时间:2008-10-31 16:15:52  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

A Voice, A Pair Of Legs And A Girl 02
怪声 怪腿 怪女孩 02

I went into the room at 10:30pm the smell of the room was gone but it wasn't the smell that time that bothered me, it was the feeling.

  I had an eerie feeling that someone was watching me. But my brother was nowhere in that room.

  I had gotten halfway across the room when I heard a voice that was too deep to be my brothers. It said in an angry tone,” You do not belong here on this land! GET OUT!" This frightened me so much I ran out of the room and half way across the house yelling my lungs out. But of course nobody believed my story. That was not the end though. It had been about 3 months since I heard the voice. The house was completely done now and with electricity. My mom was washing dishes in the kitchen. Behind her were the stairs that led to my brother’s room. I was going to the kitchen to ask my mom if I could go to a friend's house when something I saw made me stop in my tracks.

  There was a pair of legs slowly walking up the stairs; this was weird for the fact that my Mom and I were the only ones in the house that day.



  当我走到房间的中间时,突然听到一个低沉的声音(声音很低沉,不可能是我的兄弟),这个声音用生气的语调说:“你不属于这个地方!滚出去!” 当时我非常害怕,扯着嗓子喊着从那个房间跑了出去。不过,当然没有人相信我的故事。然而,故事并没就此结束。大约是在我听到那个声音三个月后,房子全部竣工了,电也通上了。有一天,妈妈正在厨房洗碗,她身后是楼梯,直通到我哥哥的房间。我正要去厨房跟妈妈请示一下我能否到一个朋友家去,就在这时,我停了下来,因为我看到了一件奇怪的事情。一双腿慢慢的爬上了楼梯,这简直不可思议,因为那天整个房子里只有妈妈和我两个人。



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