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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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灵异故事:怪声 怪腿 怪女孩 01
时间:2008-10-30 14:01:23  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

A Voice, A Pair Of Legs And A Girl 01
怪声 怪腿 怪女孩 01

  This all started happening about 2 years ago, when my family and I moved into our new house.

  Everything was normal at first. We were building the house at the time. Some workers and some of my dad's family members came and helped out but there is a small room under the house and for some odd reason I got sick every time I went down there.

  It was the smell that was really horrible. I can't really describe it but it was just disgusting. When everyone left, my mom said that there were still some rooms that needed to be painted so I asked her if we could camp out in the house instead of going back to our small apartment. My mom told me that it was a great idea, either though the house had no electricity.

  I got sick once again when I went back to that room. Note that I was the only one who got sick in that room and I was the only one who could smell the horrible odor.

  There was also a small crack in the bricks on the other side of that room. It got so bad that on that night my brother put 20 dollars in that small crack in the wall. He said if I went to the other side of the room I could have the money. Of course like any other teenager at my age I agreed.








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