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灵异故事:闹鬼的校舍(Haunted School House) 05
时间:2008-10-26 13:42:02  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

In the following weeks I saw many things that would’ve normally unnerved me a bit. I saw more ghosts than I can count. More than I ever did in childhood. In some ways it was comforting knowing that I still had this sensitivity but sad to know that I will always know way more than I ever wanted to. I saw nurses and doctors mostly. Irritatingly enough, it was usually when I was alone, not that I wanted to share it with anyone. I wouldn’t want them to think I was buckling under the pressure.

  The only time I was ever scared was on the first floor with the red linoleum. About a week before we were due to graduate I found myself alone on this floor. I always got cold and anxious there. Finally, I saw him. It was strange. I felt the animosity, believe me it was almost overpowering, but it was like being in the eye of a raging storm. He was in a green army air corps uniform. Handsome. Angry. Dead. I don’t know why he chose me as the focal point of his anger. I still don’t. But I know that I will never forget that moment. It was as if time stood still. In that instance he just stared holes into me. I don’t know if it was to show me that he could have done something more but chose to show benevolence or if he saw something strong in me, like one warrior sizing up another.

  We graduated shortly thereafter. As we were marching home, I turned to look at the schoolhouse. And who should I see, but my soldier in the first floor window. Just staring. I haven’t thought too much about him since then, but I’m sure we’ll meet again when I go back to be an instructor.






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