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灵异故事:独自在家(Home Alone) 03
时间:2008-10-15 12:09:11  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

After I heard about 10 minutes of silence, I heard the 'thing' go back downstairs and into the kitchen. I eventually got to sleep around 4am, I was very surprised that I even got to sleep at all but I had just finished a 14 hour shift at work.

  I got up at 7am for work and was worried I was going to find that the house had been robbed (I wanted to wait till it was light just in case). I went into the kitchen; all the doors leading to the basement were still locked. I unlocked each one carefully expecting to find some sort of damage but there was nothing. This made me even uneasier because I know I heard someone in my house that night.

  My granddad returned home the next day. I told him about what had happened; I thought he was going to tell me to stop being stupid. He took me into the corridor where the basement door is and showed me a large crack in the wall above the basement door. I was so scared. It proves that I didn't imagine the banging and screaming and something must have caused the cracks in the wall. The surveyor came round yesterday and couldn't find the cause of the crack, he asked me if anybody had kicked or tried to force the door. I didn't tell him this story, in case he thought I was being stupid.






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