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灵异故事:沉溺之爱(A Drowned Love) 02
时间:2008-10-10 14:13:07  来源:本站原创  作者:echo   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

  We sat there in silence for a minute and then I started flipping through the pages again and I found another article, it read:

  "Two more Local Teenagers Found dead in woods on 20 acre plot".

  It seems that a teenage boy and his girlfriend were found dead in the woods. They had died of fright. No one knows what they saw except it scared the hell out of them. Then I later read that a second teenage couple had been found dead, they also had died of fright.

  After reading that we drove out to the land and camped out close to the woods to see if we could see anything. About 2:00am we heard crying, shortly followed by a gunshot. My girlfriend and I jumped up and looked into the deep woods, all we heard was the loud crackling of the fire. Then out of the blue a figure of a girl stood on the edge of the woods. I felt the hair rise on the back of my neck, for we were only 15 feet away. Then a smile came across the girl’s face as she turned and walked back into the woods.







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