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名人轶事:Lucille Ball
时间:2008-2-29 23:43:19  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 


This is Mary Tillotson.


And this is Steve Ember with the VOA Special English Program PEOPLE IN AMERICA. Today, we tell about the much-loved performer Lucille Ball. Her famous television series, “I Love Lucy,” was first broadcast in nineteen-fifty-one.



The “I Love Lucy” show was a huge success. It was the most popular television show of the Nineteen-fifties. The kind of television program Mizz Ball helped develop is called a situation comedy. Some television experts give her credit for inventing this kind of series. Today, some of the most popular television programs in America are situation comedies.


One reason for the great popularity of “I Love Lucy” may have been its real-life connection with Mizz Ball’s family. On the show, she was Lucy, the wife of Ricky Ricardo, a Cuban musician. Ricky was played by band leader Desi Arnaz, who was Lucille Ball’s husband in real life. The show combined issues common to the life of married people living in the city with musical performances and comic theater.

Often, a show would include a part with Mister Arnaz acting seriously while Mizz Ball added a funny element. In the following piece, Mister Arnaz tries to sing normally and Mizz Ball adds the comedy:



Also on the “I Love Lucy” show were Vivian Vance and William Frawley. Mizz Vance played Ethel Mertz and Mister Frawley played Ethel’s husband, Fred Mertz. On the show, the Mertzes were friends of the Ricardos and owned the building in which they all lived.

Fred Mertz loved baseball, which was America’s most popular sport at the time. “I Love Lucy,” often showed Fred Mertz intensely watching baseball or some other sport like boxing while Ethel added her own funny comments:



A well-known story about the “I Love Lucy Show” concerns the birth of the Arnaz’s son, Desi Junior. Officials of the broadcasting company wondered what to do when Mizz Ball became pregnant in nineteen-fifty-two. Mizz Ball explains that her husband, Desi, came up with a solution:



Mizz Ball’s pregnancy was made part of the show. In fact, critics say the show in which Lucy Ricardo tells Ricky that she is pregnant is one of the best. In it, Lucy goes to the entertainment place where Ricky’s band is playing to tell him that they are going to have a baby. Ricky suddenly understands that he is going to be a father after Lucy secretly requests the song, “We’re having a Baby:”



Mizz Ball gave birth to her second child on the same day that Lucy Ricardo gave birth. In fact, Desi Junior’s birth date was planned to happen on the same day as the broadcast.

The show in which Lucy gave birth was one of the most popular television programs ever broadcast in America. (In fact, the story is that Desi Junior’s birth replaced reports about Dwight Eisenhower’s first presidential ceremony on the front pages of America’s newspapers.) OPT

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