Well, the world is always bigger than our wallets are deep. One of the simplest options is to find a place that has a lot to offer but hasn't yet been hit by the price inflation that comes with mass popularity.

The following places are not only great locations to visit in the summer months, but they offer both cultural and visual flavors that will provide stories and memories to last a lifetime.
From the party beaches of Ibiza to the remote sand stretches of Thailand, the world is covered with miles of spectacular shoreline.We've scoured world to find the best beaches you should put on your bucket list.

There's something so romantic about summertime. The warm summer breeze, the smell of flowers and cut grass, the sounds of fun and laughter, summer has a wonderful sense of casual lightness. It's a great time to get out of the dating rut and dust off your playful side.


夏季出游推荐:魅力新西兰 多风的惠灵顿
有长白云之乡(The land of the long white cloud)美誉的新西兰属于大洋洲,位于太平洋南部,介于南极洲和赤道之间,新西兰素以"绿色"著称,这个绿色国家的首都惠灵顿被人们称为"多风的惠灵顿"。

Tax on tobacco and liquor are going up by 10% effective immediately just as summer tourism gets underway. But the hike won't affect beer and wine. Europe bailed out Spain's banking system last year, and it's been pressuring Madrid to make such reforms.
夏季旅游季一开始,烟草税和酒精税便会上涨10%。但是此次上涨不会影响啤酒和葡萄酒。去年,西班牙的银行体系得到了欧洲的救助资金,这使马德里方面不得不做出这些改革举措。 |