美文.音乐.电影欣赏 |
春天要来了,欣赏一首《早春抒怀》Lines Written in Early Spring |
音乐咖啡厅:When I Say Go春天的脚步--The 1900s 中英翻唱:Seasons In The Sun 怀念温暖的《阳光季节》 音乐咖啡厅:I Won't Be There畅想青春:不要沉溺于过去 更多好听音乐尽在:可可英文歌曲 |
适合春季的文艺电影 夏日里的光影世界 |
春日时尚 |
赏春踏青 |
When you can leave work and still have time to enjoy a mug of beer before the sun goes down, you know spring is knocking at the door. What better way to bring it in that with a trip to a flower show? 当你发现下班了以后太阳还不紧不慢地挂在天上,你还能慢慢悠悠地喝杯啤酒的时候,证明春天已经来了。在春天里,还有什么比去看花展更合适的活动呢? |
春天在哪里呀春天在哪里,春天在那冰雪融化的小河边,在那红杏枝头春意闹的山间小道,春天在"忙趁东风放纸鸢"的孩子的脸上。春天来了,你会让孩子参加春游活动吗? This is a famous Chinese children's song called "Where is the Spring?" The rhyme goes: Where is the spring? The spring is in the mountains and forests. There, it has red flowers, green grass and ringing birdies. |
出游旅行 |
谁将与我为伴? 一位无比快乐的伙伴,敢于放声大笑 沉醉在异想天开的欢乐中,如开心的孩子般, 在田野和路旁盛开的鲜花间, 一路伴我行。 |
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