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听歌学英语:一直是你 Always You

来源:可可英语 编辑:chuztpah   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet
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Always You ---Ava Bryant

Starry night as a white 繁星之夜犹如一个
Dream and always白色的梦,总是
You and I on my mind 忘不了我们那时
Those rainy Sundays 在下雨的礼拜天
When we dance outside by the driveway. 我们在车道上舞蹈
Suddenly within me 内心突然
Couldn't fake it 再也无法假装
Didn't see underneath 你看不见
My heart was racing 我狂跳的心
Hoping you were feeling the same way 希望你也是同样的感受
With butterflies dancing around inside 胸中小鹿乱撞,
I ask you who do you love 我问你爱谁
You said, my darling 你说,亲爱的
Just one touch I knew I was falling for you 一次触碰,我便知道,自己爱上你了
It's always been you,my love一直爱的都是你啊
I ask you who do you love 我问你爱谁
You said,my darling你说亲爱的,
Just one touch I knew I was falling for you 牵一次你的手,我就知道爱上你了
It's always been you, my love 爱的一直都是你啊

Like today seasons change 正如,现如今,四季变换
We're getting older 我们年岁增加
Lead the way you remain 你带领着我,却依然
Forever golden永远珍贵如金
Time flies, still it feels like the first time 时间飞逝,可是感觉依然如初
With butterflies dancing around inside 胸中小鹿乱撞,
I ask you who do you love 我问你爱谁
You said, my darling 你说,亲爱的
Just one touch I knew I was falling for you 一次触碰,我便知道,自己爱上你了
It's always been you,my love一直爱的都是你啊
I ask you who do you love 我问你爱谁
You said,my darling你说亲爱的,
Just one touch I knew I was falling for you 牵一次你的手,我就知道爱上你了
It's always been you, my love 爱的一直都是你啊

It's always you oh 爱的一直都是你啊
It's always you oh oh 爱的一直都是你啊
It's always been you 爱的一直都是你啊
It's always been you my love 爱的一直都是你啊

And I will live in for the late nights 我会在深夜
Chasing shadows in the street lights 的街等下追逐影子
And while we wake up to the sunrise 当我们在晨曦中醒来
I ask you who do you love 我问你爱谁
You said, my darling 你说,亲爱的
Just one touch I knew I was falling for you 一次触碰,我便知道,自己爱上你了
It's always been you,my love一直爱的都是你啊
I ask you who do you love 我问你爱谁
You said,my darling你说亲爱的,
Just one touch I knew I was falling for you 牵一次你的手,我就知道爱上你了
It's always been you, my love 爱的一直都是你啊
You know it was always you 你知道的, 爱的一直都是你啊

Yeah you know it was always you 你知道的, 爱的一直都是你啊
Yeah you know it was always you oh oh你知道的, 爱的一直都是你啊
Yeah you know it was always you你知道的, 爱的一直都是你啊
Oh oh oh Oh oh oh
It's always you. 爱的一直都是你啊

pamper [ˈpæmpər] v. 细心照顾;精心护理;娇惯;纵容
to take care of sb very well and make them feel as comfortable as possible
a spoilt and pampered child一个娇生惯养的孩子
Don't pamper your little daughter. 别把你的小女儿娇坏了!
Why don't you let your mother pamper you for a while?...何不让你母亲宠你一段时间呢?
He felt pampered and at home.他觉得备受宠爱,很是自在。

burrow [ˈbɜːrəʊ] v. 挖洞
Earthworms burrow deep into the soil. 蚯蚓钻土很深。
v. 偎依;使…钻到(…下面)
He burrowed down beneath the blankets.他钻到毯子下面。
She burrowed her face into his chest.她把脸埋进他的怀里。
v. 搜寻
She burrowed in the drawer for a pair of socks.她在抽屉里翻找一双袜子。
He was afraid that they would burrow into his past.他担心他们会追查他的过去。

prance [præns] v. 阔步行走;神气地快速走动
He was horrified at the thought of his son prancing about on a stage in tights.一想到儿子身穿紧身衣在舞台上神气活现地走来走去,他就感到震惊。
Inside every boy, a lordly lion prepared to prance. 每一个男孩都像是蓄势待发的狮子。(lordly [ˈlɔːrdli] adj. 贵族气派的;高傲的)

berth [bɜːrθ] n.卧铺;铺位
upper berth 上层铺位
lower berth 下层床铺
berth ticket 卧铺票
He booked a berth on the first boat he could.他订了能订到的最早一班船的铺位。
I want to reserve a berth of second_class cabin. 我要预订一个二等舱的卧铺。
give sb/sth a wide berth 对…避而远之;退避三舍 (wide berth 保持安全距离;远些距离)
He gave the dog a wide berth.他远远避开那条狗。
v. 停泊;停靠
Six 10000-ton freighters can berth at this dock. 6艘万吨货轮可以同时在这个码头停靠。
Where did the ship berth? 船停在何处?



重点单词   查看全部解释    
reserve [ri'zə:v]


n. 预备品,贮存,候补
n. 克制,含蓄

drawer ['drɔ:ə]


n. 抽屉,拖曳者,制图员,开票人





