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来源:天道留学 编辑:echo   可可英语APP下载 |  可可官方微信:ikekenet


  The SAT Improving Paragraphs Process

 This is the recommended process for SAT Improving Paragraphs questions. Note that it incorporates the processes for the other SAT Writing Multiple Choice questions, and has some similarity to the Passage-Based Reading process.

  1. Identify the type of question you’re dealing with.

  Remember that the Improving Paragraphs questions are sort of a combination of Improving Sentences questions and Passage-Based Reading questions. Many of the questions are almost exactly like Improving Sentences questions, and those can be answered using almost exactly the same approach as the normal Improving Sentences questions.

  [If the question asks you to improve one or more sentences, or asks which version of one or more sentences would be better, proceed to the Step 2.]

  [If the question asks about the role or function of a particular phrase, or if it asks anything about the author’s strategic approach to the subject of the composition, go to step 3.]

  [If the question asks anything else, proceed to step 4.]

  2. Use the Improving Sentences approach, but be careful of small changes.

  Use the Improving Sentences approach on the appropriate questions, but be careful—there are certain things you have to look out for. For example, there may not be an underlined portion of the sentence to fix; instead, any portion of the sentence might be changed, or the entire sentence could be replaced with a similar sentence that has the same effect. Still, the goal with these questions will be to find the optimal “SAT-ideal” sentence, the one that avoids the most “bad” patterns and uses the most “good” patterns from the chart in the Toolbox.

  There’s another very important difference you need to be aware of! For Improving Paragraphs questions, the best way to deal with a sentence may be to delete the sentence entirely! If you see that one answer choice is to delete the sentence in question, you’ll need to use the process from Step 4 to determine whether that’s the correct answer choice.

  [If one answer choice is to delete the sentence, go through step 4 to see if that choice is correct.]

  [If deleting the sentence isn’t an option, mark the answer choice that creates the most “SAT-ideal” answer choice according to the process we used to answer Improving Sentences questions.]

  3. Use the Passage-Based Reading Process to answer the question.

  Questions that ask about an author’s goal or strategy, or questions that ask about the relationships between one part of a composition and another, can be handled in the same way that we attacked the Passage-Based Reading Questions. As a quick refresher, remember that we NEVER succumb to subjectivity in answering a Passage-Based Reading Question, no matter how the prompt for the question is written!

  4. Use the appropriate toolbox concept to answer the question.

  If an SAT Improving Paragraphs question is not essentially an Improving Sentences question, then it will ask you to apply a concept from the Writing Toolbox to the passage. These questions could be about the grammatical role of a particular word or phrase, or they could ask you to add or delete a sentence from a paragraph.

  If the question asks about the role of a particular word or phrase, you can rely on the toolbox concepts about parts of speech, SAT-ideal usage, or whatever.

  If the question asks you to add or delete a sentence from a paragraph, remember from the toolbox that the “SAT-ideal” paragraph discusses as few concepts as possible. This means that sentences that introduce extra concepts should be deleted or not added, while sentences that stick to the same concepts as the rest of the paragraph should be added or not deleted.

  [If you can identify the correct answer choice after applying the toolbox concepts, mark it and move on to the next question.]

  [If you can’t identify one correct answer, either start over or skip the question, possibly coming back to it later.]


文章关键字: 小结 步骤 语法 改进 段落 答题 SAT





