The work on this originated with Dr Turing's paper ... 'On Computable Numbers with an Application to the Entscheidung Problem' (sic) and Mr Womersley began thinking about the logical design in 1938 after reading Dr Turing's paper and after discussions with Professor Hartree.
Mr Womersley came to the Laboratory early in 1944, and the following year visited the United States to see the Harvard and ENIAC machines.
Professor Newman came to see Mr Womersley in 1945 and introduced Dr Turing, who very soon afterwards joined the staff of the Laboratory.
This was the only mention of Alan's part in the project. The account continued to explain that
In 1946, work on the Automatic Computing Engine was started and it was arranged for the experimental work to be done by the Post Office and the theoretical work, including the programming of the machine, at the Laboratory.
Because of slow progress at the Post Office, a section was started at NPL in 1947 to build the ACE machine.
Skilfully passing over the Thomas period, Colebrook described the progress made in 1948 and 1949.
He then contrasted the Pilot ACE with 'the machine originally proposed', and announced that
The actual size of the ace as originally contemplated was the outcome of long consideration by Mr Womersley and Professor von Neumann during Mr Womersley's visit to the United States.
Already by 1950, Alan Turing was an unperson, the Trotsky of the computer revolution.
But he was never one to complain, once he had made his decision. In many ways his position at Manchester was parallel to that at Hanslope, in terms of status and class and struggles over equipment.
One difference was the harshness of the Manchester environment, which surely exacerbated his rudeness.