Chinese health officials on Tuesday called for additional reform of China's health-care system amid mounting costs, problems at public hospitals and a surge of patients with chronic diseases.
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The call highlights the challenges the Chinese government faces even after overhauling its health-care system over the past several years. Leaders of the world's most populous country are spending billions of dollars each year to improve health care and cover costs, yet there is no correlation between the heightened spending and the health of the country's citizens, said Lei Haichao, the deputy director general of the Beijing Health Bureau, at a conference Tuesday to discuss the future direction of health care in China.
Health experts say China has now caught up to speed with, and even exceeded, the lifestyle-related health problems of more developed countries, and doesn't have sufficient measures in place to prevent diseases such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, which are costly to treat.
The country is struggling to deal with a population that is urbanizing, aging and is afflicted with chronic diseases, said Wang Linhong, the executive deputy director of the chronic-disease arm of the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention. Ms. Wang said further measures by central authorities should include efforts to improve education, doctor training and access to routine screening.
Out of every 100 deaths in China, 85 are now caused by chronic diseases, according to China's Ministry of Health. By comparison, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says the rate is 70 per 100 in the U.S., while the World Health Organization says they represent 63% of deaths world-wide. Chinese health officials blamed the country's high rate on smoking, diets that increasingly feature fat and fast food and the prevalence of salt in local cuisine.
中国卫生部数据显示,在中国每死亡100人,就有85人是因慢性病而死。相比之下,美国疾病控制与预防中心(U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)说,美国慢性病致死比例为70%,而世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)说,全球范围内这个比例是63%。中国卫生官员将本国的高比例归因于吸烟、饮食结构中高脂肪食物和快餐越来越多,以及中餐里面普遍使用食盐。
'The burden is getting too heavy,' said Mr. Lei, adding that senior officials will need to create new reforms to deal with the problems.
The call for change comes as China's leaders are still patting themselves on the back for having recently completed a three-year overhaul of the nation's health-care system. The $125 billion effort included expanded health-insurance coverage to 95% of Chinese, the opening of new hospitals around the country and expanded primary-care facilities.
Along with greater access to health care, Chinese have also gained in the last decade greater purchasing power and a change in food consumption and lifestyle. Major causes of death have shifted from infectious diseases and diet-related deficiencies to hypertension and obesity. More than 260 million of the country's citizens suffer from a chronic disease, according to data from China's Ministry of Health. China is now home to one of the world's largest populations of diabetics, according to research from Peking University.
One of the most critical issues is preventative care, said Michael O'Leary, the China representative of the World Health Organization. More than 80% of government spending on health care goes to covering the cost of chronic diseases, yet less than 2% is allocated toward primary prevention, said Dr. O'Leary.
世界卫生组织(World Health Organization)驻华代表蓝睿明(Michael O'Leary)说,最关键的问题之一是预防保健。蓝睿明说,政府在医疗保健上的开支超过80%用于负担慢性病治疗成本,只有不到2%用于初级预防。
And while health-care systems in countries such as the U.S. and the U.K. are also under pressure from rising costs, China's problems are compounded by its massive population of 1.34 billion.
Some health-care problems are still unique to China, where public hospitals are struggling to remain profitable and have become reliant on selling expensive pharmaceuticals for revenue and to boost the pay of doctors who only get a few hundred dollars from the state, said Yu Dezhi, director general of the Ministry of Health's China National Health Development Research Center.
Doctors in China are severely underpaid, yet a mere pay increase won't work in China, said Mr. Yu. 'In many ways, we still are a socialist economy in which all our government workers seek equal pay. If we raise doctor's pay, we'll have to do the same for all,' he said, noting that health officials will need to come up with a way to address the drug-sales issue.
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