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英语口语大赢家Topic315:篮球比赛 Basketball Game
时间:2008-9-27 11:08:25  来源:本站原创  作者:echo  测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

经典背诵 Recitation
Terry: After playing basketball, there are some things we should pay attention to. For on thing, choose the right refreshment after sports, because they can give us energy and vitality. Another thing is learning to protect ourselves during a match; otherwise, the game is not worth it.

occupy vt. 占用

audience n. 观众

nimble adj. 敏捷的

skillful adj. 灵巧的

Oh, thank you for pointing that. 谢谢你指出来告诉我。阿美是指那么明显的事情不要丹尼尔教她,在这里有讽刺的意思。

功能性句型扩展 Functional structure


1. Yes.

2. Sure.

3. Of course.

4. How true!

5. Absolutely.

6. Exactly.

7. That's for sure.

8. I quite agree with you.

9. I share your view on that.

10. I'm sure you are right.

11. I don't think anyone would disagree.

12. I have no problem with that.

13. No/Nope.

14. Not really.

15. Not at all.

16. No way.

17. Of course not.

18. Not a chance.

19. I don't think so.

20. Do you really think so?

21. Don't be too sure.

22. Don't speak too soon.

23. I wouldn't say that.

24. I'm not convinced.

25. I'll believe it when I see it.

26. You know it isn't true.

27. That was not the case.

28. I'm afraid we don't see eye to eye on this.

1. 是的。

2. 当然。

3. 当然。

4. 千真万确。

5. 正是如此。

6. 完全正确。

7. 那是当然。

8. 我很赞同你的看法。

9. 对这件事我们看法一致。

10. 当然你是对的。

11. 我想没有人会反对。

12. 对这一点我没有异议。

13. 不。

14. 不是吧。

15. 绝不是。

16. 不可能。

17. 当然不是。

18. 绝无可能。

19. 我不那么想。

20. 你真的这么想吗?

21. 别那么肯定。

22. 话不要说得太早。

23. 我并不那么认为。

24. 我持保留态度。

25. 我觉得还是眼见为实。

26. 你心里明白那不是真的。

27. 事实并非如此。

28. 恐怕我们在这一点上达不成共识。

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