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Peipei英语第1册 Units 1~5:What about a Wednesday?

时间:2012-06-11 07:50:30 来源:可可英语 编辑:cherry  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Unit 1 What about a Wednesday?
1 What about a Wednesday?
2 What about another song, children?
3 What about sitting by the window?
4 How about your exam last week?
5 What about a cup of tea?
6 What about you?
7 How about you?
8 How about having dinner together after work tonight?
Unit 2 What do you think of my new car?
1What do you think of my new car?
2What do you think of my speech?
3What do you think of my new dress?
4That’s what I have to think about.
5You must be thinking about your childhood.
6He thinks too much about himself.
7I’m thinking about emigrating to Canada.
8You must not think about it any more.
Unit 3Neither can I.
1Neither can I.
2Neither will I.
3Neither of us can help laughing.
4I had neither money nor house.
5Matter can be neither created nor destroyed.
6I’ll neither listen to nor speak of it.
7The result was satisfactory to neither side.
8Neither of them will be able to come.
9He neither takes nor gives.
Unit 4I haven’t enough confidence.
1I haven’t enough confidence.
2It’ll be enough for five people.
3The situation is serious enough.
4I’ve talked quite enough for today.
5Curiously enough, I’ve never seen her before.
6That’s fair enough.
7Enthusiasm alone is not enough.
8I was enough of a fool not to think of that.
Unit 5 Would you mind waiting a few minutes?
1Would you mind waiting a few minutes?
2Would you mind speaking a little more slowly?
3Would you mind not smoking here?
4Would you mind doing me a favour?
5No, I don’t mind. I’d love to help you.
6Would you mind my sitting here?
7Yes, I do mind. But you can sit over there.
8I don’t mind. It’s of no importance.
9Never mind.


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