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Update:2009-7-31 16:23:19  Source:国外博客  Editor:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

雨是有灵气的,不同的时空总变换着不同的脸面,有时还要玩起分身术,在同一时刻让不同的地方都享受它的雨露。也不管别人欢不欢迎它,总是想来就来,想走就走,这就是雨。 东南亚的雨更是如此,没有一丝的含糊,美丽且体贴,总是润物之后轻轻退场,从不会占用所有。在雨帘下,万物更美,每个人都拥有了妄想中的空间和借口。是的,这就是东南亚的雨,一起来感受一下吧。

Let it rain: enjoying Southeast Asia’s wet season

It’s the rainy season in Southeast Asia. Don’t worry, it probably won’t rain all the time – probably just in the afternoon (admittedly, rather a lot). Even though the rainy season gets a bad reputation, chances are you’ll get sunny, dry mornings and some unexpected bonuses:

Cooler temperatures(凉爽的气温): in a lot of Asia, the rain drops the mercury and provides some sweet relief from the heat. You may get wet, but you won’t melt.

Fewer tourists(稀少的旅游者): you don’t often get a chance to feel alone in Asia. If getting a bit of space is what you’re after, the rainy season is your best bet.

Lower prices(低廉的价格): more splashing of the water, less splashing of the cash. Fewer travellers and lighter demand on accommodation and services means lower prices.

Greener greenery(满眼的绿意): every cliché you’ve ever heard about the lush greens of the tropics is true. You really haven’t seen green till you’ve seen green in the tropical wet season.

Easier storm-chasing(追逐的风暴): There’s actually no chasing to be done. Just hunker down somewhere dry with a view (bars are good for this) and watch nature work her magic. Watching tropical storms roll in is pretty spectacular.

Better photos:(更美的照片) lightning, dramatic colour changes, dark storm clouds - these are the ingredients of photos way cooler than the blue-skies-and-fluffy-white-clouds kind.

Great excuses(绝好的借口): there’s nothing like a bit of torrential rain for an excuse to just do nothing. Lie in bed and listen to the rain. Sit under a deck and watch it. Read. Play cards. Be on holiday. Don’t feel guilty about not exploring that cave or climbing that mountain.

Funnier sights(可爱的风景): sit back and watch those who don’t let the rain ruin their parade – plastic-poncho-clad school kids balancing umbrellas on bicycles; hundreds of brollie-wielding pedestrians passing one another in the street without causing injury (more photo opps).

More excuses(更多的原因): if you get caught out, and get stuck at a shelter or a bar (oops) while the storm hits, chances are you won’t be alone, and if ever there were a legitimate time to engage in a conversation with a stranger (maybe start with the weather)…

Try out a trip in the wet season. You’ll be in for a treat.
So, where will you watch the rain from?

Read up on Asia, pick a destination, grab our Southeast Asia on a shoestring guide and go!





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