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[可可杂谈]How do you think of the bilnd date(相亲)?
Update:2009-7-31 15:34:51  Source:可可英语  Editor:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

How do you think of the bilnd date?

If we divide all boys and girls into 4 levels according to their apearances, that is A, B, C and D. Finally,  Boy A finds Girl B, Boy B finds Girl C, Boy C finds GIrl D, and then there are 2 people left single in this game. Yes, we can't predict when love could fall to us. It can start from a little smile, while it can also begin without any reason.

Maybe it is just a rule of the God to let us meet a lot of strangers before we bump into our MR./ Ms right. Not everybody can be so lucky to get their lovers smoothly. So, it's nothing but common to find somebody going to have a blind date.



With the bild date becoming more and more common in our life, how do you think of it ?



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