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[可可杂谈]How do you reduce your pressure?
Update:2009-7-28 16:37:15  Source:可可英语  Editor:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

How do you reduce your pressure?

What is more miserable, losing money or losing the future? Can we accept the fact that the stock market will go down by 6000 points with the thought that it would rise by 6000 points?  It is said that recently the divorce rate goes up as fast as CPI, however, it is not the same in Spain. How can this happen? During the period of the economic crisis, what would you like to do to cope with it?

Pressure exsits everywhere but varies in degree. Everybody does things unconsciously to meet it. Experts say that pressure is a kind of stimulus. When we make full use of it, we will find it good, comfortable and endurable. When it makes us uncomfortable, painful and unbearable, it will be an obstacle in our road.



Life is full of different pressures, so what's your way to deal with it? 



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