Some people believe that spending quiet hours reading and thinking in a library is the best way to prepare for a debate contest.
Most memory experts, however, would recommend preparing with team members.
Doing so increases the rate of learning and the likelihood of remembering.
When members of a debate team prepare together, they learn facts and master issues faster and more effectively than each individual could alone.
"Communication is essential to the ability to remember well," says a well-known psychologist.
He has found that isolating yourself is about the worst thing you can do if you want to remember information.
In other words, when you talk with others, whether it is to describe a movie or complain about a difficult chapter in a textbook, you are actually strengthening your memory.
The human memory works like a filing system.
For a fling system to be effective, information has to be put in a logical place inside a folder that includes related information.
When the members of a debate team practise by using facts in support of an argument, they are exactly gathering related pieces of information into a single mental folder.
And during an actual debate, when the pressure is on, they will be more easily recalled than those memorized as isolated pieces of information.