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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2007-12-17 0:25:43  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

  Section A

  11. [A] He prefers to watch sports.

  [B] He’ll watch the movie if he has time.

  [C] He never watches movies on television.

  [D] He had the idea at the same time that she did.

  12. [A] Keep better track of the time.

  [B] Try to make up the lost time.

  [C] Treasure the good time at the University.

  [D] Concentrate on the purpose of University.

  13. [A] He will not enjoy himself much.

  [B] He will enjoy himself but he’s never tried either snowboarding or skiing. 

  [C] He would like to join but isn’t good at it. 

  [D] He will come but doesn’t want to ski.

  14. [A] The professor postponed the exam and will inform everyone when it’ll be held.

  [B] The professor phoned him about the postponing of the exam.

  [C] The professor discussed the exam and will replace it.

  [D] The professor postponed the exam until Thursday.

  15. [A] Susan will probably dislike the picture.

  [B] Susan is younger than what she looks in the picture.

  [C] That picture matters a lot to Susan.

  [D] That picture beautifies Susan.

  16. [A] She has done enough work. [B] Her project is the hardest of all.

  [C] What she did is far from enough. [D] She tried to scratch the surface.

  17. [A] She has got a driver’s license. [B] She will going to take a boat tour.

  [C] She has been accepted by a college. [D] She is going abroad.

  18. [A] They are both doctors. [B] They are both chemists.

  [C] They work in the same department. [D] They graduated from the same university.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  19. [A] A recording artist. [B] A French teacher.

  [C] A student. [D] A teaching assistant.

  20. [A] It needs to have more French lesson tapes.

  [B] It needs to have its controls repaired.

  [C] It is different from all the other laboratories.

  [D] It can be operated rather easily.

  21. [A] Change her class schedule. [B] Fill out a job application.

  [C] Organize tapes on the shelves. [D] Work on the French lessons.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  22. [A] Because her parents love her very much.

  [B] Because her parents never force her to do anything she doesn’t want to do.

  [C] Because she is allowed to have her career.

  [D] Because she has too much freedom.

  23. [A] She didn’t need her parents money any more.

  [B] She begins to get on well with her parents.

  [C] She always stayed with her parents.

  [D] She rented a government house and lived alone.

  24. [A] They allowed him to come to England immediately.

  [B] They thought he should go abroad as a child.

  [C] They were reluctant until their son persuaded them.

  [D] They tried to control his English study.

  25. [A] The two speakers are from different countries.

  [B] The man gets along very well with his parents.

  [C] British parents never interfere with their children.

  [D] The man doesn’t like his parents at all.


11. W: There’s a great movie on TV tonight. Do you want to watch it?
  M: I’d rather not if it’s on at the same time as the football match.
  Q: What does the man imply?

【解析】11选[A]。男士表示如果电影和足球比赛同时放,他宁可不看电影。可见他更喜欢收看体育节目。would rather not表示“宁可不”。

12. M: I can’t understand why I’m getting so far behind.
  W: Well, you know sometimes with all the fun and good times at university, it is easy to lose track of why you are here.
  Q: What does the woman infer the man should do?

【解析】12题选[D]。lose track of...本意是“脱离…的轨道”,结合with all the fun and good times at university推断,lose track of why you are here应是指背离了来大学的初衷。男士不明白自己为什么落后了那么多,女士帮他分析原因的同时其实还在暗示他要专注于上大学的初衷,好好学习,而不要被玩乐拖了后腿。选项[D]正确。

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