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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2007-12-17 0:24:13  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

  26. What does tooth contain according to the passage?

  【解析】选[A]。根据文中的Your teeth are a living part of your body. They have nerves and blood vessels可知,牙齿存在神经和血管,由此可知选项[A]正确。

  27. What does the bacteria in plaque live on?

  【解析】选[C]。文中提到The bacteria in plaque live on sugar,由此可知,牙菌斑里的细菌依靠糖分生存,因此选项[C]正确。

  28. What is the most appropriate title for this article?


Passage Two

  Good morning. First I'd like to welcome all of you to this workshop on student housing. I'll go through the information about types of housing available for the fall and later hand out application forms. Then, if you have any questions, feel free to ask me.

  There are three main types of housing here for you to choose from: the dorms, the family student apartments, and the international houses. As of now, there is some space available in each type, but they are filling up fast. You should get your application in as soon as possible. Let me explain some of the main features for each type of housing.

  We have men's dorms, women's dorms, and coed dorms. Most of the rooms are doubles, with two beds, two closets, and two desks. We also have a few triples and a few single suites, but I think the suites are already taken. On each floor of the dorms there is a large bathroom and shower area. There aren't cooking facilities in the dorms, but you can buy a meal ticket for the cafeteria.

  The family student apartments are grouped together near the north entrance to the school. Each apartment has a kitchen, a living dining area, and either one or two bedrooms. There is a fenced play area for children.

  The international houses are a group of apartments for any student. They are organized into language and culture themes, and some of them have rules about speaking only a certain language during mealtimes. It's been a good way for students to learn about other cultures as well as practice languages. These houses are for all students, no matter how much of a particular language you speak. I think that Spanish House is full, but there are rooms available in all the other houses.

  Well, that's the main information. I'll pass out these applications now and answer your individual questions.

  Questions 29 to 32 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  29. According to the speaker, what should the listeners do as soon as possible?

  【解析】选[B]。文中的...but they are filling up fast. You should get your application in as soon as possible表明,因为房间很快就会住满人了,所以listeners需要尽快把申请交上去,[B]项正确。

  30. Which type of housing allows cooking?

  【解析】选[C]。由文中的The family student apartments...Each apartment has a kitchen可知,供一家人住的房间里设有厨房,可以做饭,[C]项正确。

  31. Which place has no more room for students?

  【解析】选[D]。speak提到I think that Spanish House is full...,由此可知,西班牙语的房间已经住满没有地方可安排了,[D]项与文章内容相符。

  32. What will the listeners probably do next?


Passage Three

  A baby spends the first year of life learning to listen. A newborn child comes equipped with a finely tuned pair of ears, but he doesn't yet know how to use them. A buzz of meaningless noise surrounds him. No one sound means more than any other. Unlike his ears, the hearing center of his brains is still immature. As the baby grows, two things happen. First, he becomes better at picking out certain sounds. Second, he begins to remember them.

  This development is easy to see. If you make a loud sound near a day old baby's head, you will not see any reaction. Only a check on his pulse or breathing rate will show a change. But just two weeks later, the same noise will make him jerk. He may even turn his head toward you, now the human voice means something to him. If he hears another baby crying, he may cry. By his fourth to sixth week, sounds like the doorbell or the closing of a door no longer surprise him.

  What is actually happening is that he is starting to learn to listen. He can select certain sounds and memorize them. When he hears that sound again, he can match it with the one he has heard before. These skills are basic to all learning.

  At the same time these early hearing and language skills get under way, the child begins to practice making sounds. His first sounds are the discomfort sounds. These sounds are heard when he is not quiet or sleeping. These sounds mean nothing to him yet. To his mother they say he is wet, uncomfortable, or hungry.

  Within the baby's first month, another sound appears: the comfort sounds. These are different from the discomfort sounds. As the child grows, his comfort sounds will use more of the vowels and consonants and rhythms which he will later use. These sounds will come together to form the first word. This special event will be long remembered by the proud parents.

  Questions 33 to 35 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  33. Why does a newborn baby have to spend the first year of his life learning to listen?

  【解析】选[B]。综合文中提到的A newborn child comes equipped with a finely tuned pair of ears和Unlike his ears, the hearing center of his brains is still immature可知,新生儿之所以要用第一年的时间学习听音是因为虽然他们耳部发育已经成熟,但他们大脑的听力中心却没有发育成熟,选项[B]正确。

  34. What's a newborn baby's reaction to a loud noise near him?

  【解析】选[D]。文中提到, If you make a loud sound near a day old baby's head, you will not see any reaction,即如果在刚出生的婴儿的头部上方弄出大的声响,你不会看到他有任何反应,选项[D]"不理睬"与原文相符。

  35. When does a baby begin to use more vowels and consonants?

  【解析】选[B]。文中提到,As the child grows, his comfort sounds will use more of the vowels and consonants...,由此很容易得知本题答案为[B]。

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