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  · 口语测试:"摇钱树"怎么说?
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时间:2007-12-17 0:17:38  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

11. [A] Nobody likes to listen to this symphony.
  [B] Many people like the symphony.
  [C] She doesn't like the symphony.
  [D] She'd like to have a cup of tea.

12. [A] The jobs have already been filled.
  [B] The man should hand in his application very soon.
  [C] The man can start work today.
  [D] The man isn't qualified for any of the jobs.

13. [A] She hasn't worn the dress for a long time.
  [B] She doesn't like the dress very much.
  [C] She intends to give the dress to her sister.
  [D] She doesn't remember where her sister bought the dress.

14. [A] She was open and frank.
  [B] She was not willing to say much.
  [C] Something was wrong with her lips.
  [D] She totally refused to talk to the man.

15. [A] The situation is not Leon's fault.
  [B] Neither Leon nor James is telling the truth.
  [C] The right and wrongs of this issue must involve deeper investigation.
  [D] Someone must be lying in this incident.

16. [A] He missed the game.
  [B] He would have watched the game.
  [C] He liked the game very much and watched it.
  [D] Watching a film is the last thing for him to do.

17. [A] Check to see if it can still be fixed for free.
  [B] Check to see what the problem is.
  [C] Find where they have put the warranty.
  [D] See if Mike is available.

18. [A] Eat a bigger breakfast.
  [B] Make time for lunch in her schedule.
  [C] Take only morning classes next semester.
  [D] Change her schedule after she eats lunch.

Questions 19 to 21 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

19. [A] She's impressed with the ticket sellers.
  [B] She's pleased about the man's purchase.
  [C] She's uncertain about the change in plans.
  [D] She's resigned to the situation.

20. [A] By writing a personal check.
  [B] By charging them to their personal account.
  [C] By paying in cash.
  [D] By using a store credit card.

21. [A] Stay where he is.
  [B] Go home to telephone the order.
  [C] Try to get the tickets elsewhere.
  [D] Return after lunch.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

22. [A] They are looking for an apartment to live in.
  [B] They are discussing living places and children's education.
  [C] They are complaining about their children.
  [D] They are planning for the next weekend.

23. [A] There's much to do besides work and study.
  [B] It's convenient for people to go anywhere.
  [C] The natural environment is beneficial to children.
  [D] The countryside is a perfect place for weekends.

24. [A] The children are too young to benefit from city life.
  [B] Even adults themselves cannot go everywhere in the city.
  [C] There is a lot to see and do for children and adults.
  [D] There isn't a lot to see and do for children.

25. [A] She is a full-time housewife.
  [B] She does not care for her children.
  [C] She used to live in the suburbs in her childhood.
  [D] She will go to a museum next weekend.


11. M: Don't you think this symphony is wonderful? I could listen to it all day.
  W:That's interesting. You're the only one that feels that way as far as I know. I'm afraid that's not my cup of tea.
  Q: What does the woman mean? 

  【解析】选[C]。be one's cup of tea常用于口语中,表示"是某人喜爱或擅长的事物"。由女士所说的that's not my cup of tea可知她并不喜欢交响乐。另外,由You're the only one that feels that way也可以推出答案。


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