[16:21.69]scrap[skr㘚p] ;vt.废弃,抛弃 n.碎片,碎屑;[pl.] 残羹冷饭;少量,点滴
[16:22.65]He wrote down his adress and telephone number on a scrap of paper. ;他将他的地址和电话号码 写在一个小纸头上.
[16:26.32]There was not a single scrap of evidence ;没有一丁点证据
[16:28.70]to connect him with the murder of the Nepalese King. ;表明他与尼泊尔国王的 遇刺有任何牵扯.
[16:31.77]startle['sta:t㥮l] ;vt.使吃惊,使惊吓
[16:33.15]The murder of the Nepalese King startled the whole world. ;尼泊尔国王遇刺身亡让全 世界感到震惊.
[16:36.33]suppress[s㥮'pres] ;vt.压制,镇压;禁止发表 查禁;抑制(感情等),忍 住;阻止…的生长(发展)
[16:37.56]The revolt was ruthlessly suppressed by the military. ;叛乱被军队无情地镇压 下去了.
[16:40.45]The Pentagon attempted to suppress documents connected with the case. ;五角大楼试图阻止将与此 案有关的文件公诸于世.
[16:44.45]warehouse['w⺶㥮haus] ;n.仓库,货栈
[16:45.68]A warehouse is a building for storing large quantities of goods. ;货仓就是用于储存大量货 物的建筑物.
[16:51.27]Lesson 18 ;
[16:54.79]accessory[㥮k'ses㥮ri] ;n.附件零件,配件[pl.] (女性手袋之类)装饰品; 同谋,帮凶,包庇犯
[16:55.95]Ladies like wearing accessories such as diamond rings, necklaces and earrings ;女士喜欢戴上诸如钻石戒 指、项链、耳环之类的 首饰.
[17:00.47]He was charged with being an accessory to murder. ;他被控为谋杀罪的从犯.
[17:03.84]applaud[㥮'pl⺌:d] ;vi.鼓掌,喝彩 vt.向…鼓掌, 向…欢呼,赞许
[17:05.25]When the superstar appeared on the stage, all the audience stood up to applaud. ;当这位天皇巨星登上舞台 时,所有的观众都站立起 来向他鼓掌欢呼.
[17:09.51]The intoxicated audie- nce applauded every item warmly and asked for many "encores". ;这些如醉如痴的观众对每 一个节目都抱以热烈的掌 声,并多次要求"再来一个
[17:15.22]blunder['bl⺧nd㥮] ;n.错误 v.跌跌撞撞地走,慌乱地 走;犯错误
[17:16.56]The chief blunder of many scholars in doing reseach work ;很多学者在研究工作时的 最大失误
[17:19.56]is their misconception of the classical original works. ;在于他们对于经典原著 的误读.
[17:23.15]Learning that his girl friend had fallen in love with another well-off ;得知其女朋友已经移情别 恋,爱上一个腰缠万贯
[17:26.49]and handsome young man,he blundered out of the booth. ;而又潇洒的年轻人时, 他跌跌撞撞地走出了 电话厅.
[17:29.94]commonplace ['k⺌m㥮npleis] ;a.平庸的,普通的 n.寻常的事物,平庸 的东西
[17:31.61]Some scientists believe ;一些科学家相信,
[17:32.96]that soon it will be commonplace for people to travel to the moon. ;不用多久,人们到月球旅 行会变成常见的事.
[17:36.32]confidential [,k⺌nfi'den㤘㥮l] ;a.机密的;秘密的; 表示信任(或亲密)的; 担任机密工作的
[17:37.65]Remember to keep this information confidential. ;记住要恪守这个机密 情报.
[17:40.32]contemplate ['k⺌ntempleit] ;vt.注视;凝视; 盘算,技巧;思量, 对...周密考虑
[17:41.51]The new students contemplated each other nervously. ;新生们紧张地相互对视.
[17:44.58]We can't just contemplate all day and not take action. ;不要成天什么都不干而一 个劲地冥思苦想.
[17:47.77]degenerate [di'd䅟en㥮reit] [di'd䅟en㥮rit] ;vi.衰退,堕落,蜕化 n.堕落者 a.衰退者,堕落的
[17:48.88]Her health degenerated as the days went by. ;她的健康状况日益恶化.
[17:51.85]disable[dis'eibl] ;vt.使丧失能力,伤残
[17:53.15]His uncle was disabled in the civil war,he lost his left arm. ;他的叔父在内战中失去了 一条左臂,成了残废人.
[17:56.85]According to the new insurance rules, ;新的保险条例规定
[17:58.86]the disabled for the public benefit are to receive more money. ;因公伤残者将得到更多 的抚恤金.
[18:02.64]elevate['eliveit] ;vt.提升职位;提高,改善 使情绪高昂,使兴高采烈; 举起,使上升
[18:03.90]Eisenhower was elevated to the rank of general due to his wise command in battle ;由于在战斗中指挥英明, 艾森豪威尔被提升为 将军.
[18:08.83]Reading good books elevates one's mind. ;阅读好书能提高人的心 灵修养.
[18:11.46]essence['esns] ;n.本质,实质,要素; 精髓,精华
[18:12.65]Being thoughful of others is the essence of politeness. ;为别人考虑是礼貌的 本质.
[18:15.72]This shampoo contains herbal essence. ;这种洗发露含有草本 精华.
[18:18.36]fabricate['f㘚brikeit] ;vt.捏造,伪造(文件等); 编造(谎言,借口等), 建造,创造
[18:19.65]The gang fabricate evidence and threatened witnesses. ;那一伙歹徒伪造证据并 威胁目击者.
[18:22.73]The reason he gave for his absence was obviously fabricated. ;他所说的缺席理由显然是 编造的.
[18:26.32]glare[gl⺶㥮] ;vi.(~at)怒目而视;发射 强光,发出耀眼的光线 n.强光;怒视,瞪眼; 炫耀,张扬
[18:27.29]The sun glared out of the blue sky. ;太阳在蓝天上发出强烈 的光.
[18:29.40]The old gentleman just stood there glaring at the pickpocket and did not say a word. ;这位老先生只是站在那里 对那个扒手怒目而视,一 句话也没有说.
[18:33.74]To avoid glare of the sun,you had better wear a pair of sunglasses. ;为避免耀眼的阳光(照 射),最好戴上墨镜.
[18:37.45]homogeneous [,h⺌m㥮u'd䅟i:ni㥮s] ;a.同种类的;同性质的, 有相同特征的
[18:39.04]Japan has a largely homogeneous population. ;日本的人口基本上同属一 个种族.
[18:42.19]impart[im'pa:t] ;vt.告知,透露; 赋予,给予
[18:43.27]Women tend to impart their secrets to their intimate friends. ;女人往往喜欢把秘密向她 们的好友吐露.
[18:46.23]A good teacher should impart wisdom to his pupils. ;好老师就应该把智慧传递 给学生.
[18:49.46]ingenious[in'd䅟:ni㥮s] ;a.设计独特的,别致的, 巧妙的;(人或头脑)灵 巧的,善于发明创造的
[18:50.72]An ingenious idea suddenly came upon me. ;我突然想到了一个绝妙 的主意.
[18:53.46]The ingenious inventor invented a device which promoted productivity a great deal. ;这位天才发明家发明了一 种能大大提高生产效率的 装置.
[18:58.58]intervene[,int㥮'vi:n] ;vi.干涉,干预; 干扰,阻挠
[18:59.69]The superpower country likes to intervene in the internal affairs of other countries. ;那个超级大国总是把干涉 别国内政当作一种乐趣.
[19:04.44]A week intervenes between Christmas and New Year's Day. ;圣诞节和元旦相隔一周.
[19:08.59]junction['d䅟⺧㭎k㤘㥮n] ;n.连接点;(道路等)会 合点;枢纽
[19:09.85]The hydro-power station stands at the junction of two rivers. ;水力发电站在两条河流的 汇合处.
[19:13.63]mediate['mi:dieit] ;vt.经调解解决, 经斡旋促成 vi.(in,~between)调解 斡旋
[19:14.74]The Union played an important role in mediating a settlement ;工会起了重要作用,通过 调停达成和解
[19:17.56]between the labor and management. ;在劳资双方间.
[19:19.37]The minister of foreign affairs mediated between two warring countries. ;外长在两个交战国之间进 行积极的斡旋.
[19:23.64]negligible ['neglid䅟㥮bl] ;a.可以忽略不计的, 微不足道的
[19:25.05]Some people's knowledge of English is negligible. ;有些人的英语水平让人不 敢恭维.
[19:27.75]In buying a suit,a difference of ten cents in price is negligible. ;买一套衣服价钱只差一 角钱是无所谓的.
[19:32.72]originate [㥮'rid䅟ineit] ;vt.创造,创始,开创 vi(in/from/between) 起源于,来自;产生
[19:34.09]Just as Mao Zedong puts it, ;正如毛泽东所说:
[19:36.09]"All theories originate from practice and in turn serve practice." ;"任何理论都来源于实践, 反过来又为实践服务.”
[19:40.62]The film originated from a short story. ;这部电影取材于一篇短篇 小说.
[19:43.77]The use of steam originated many other reforms. ;蒸汽的使用带来了许多 其他改革.
[19:47.40]periodical [,pi㥮ri'⺌dik㥮l] ;n.期刊 a.周期的,定期的, 时而不定的
[19:48.92]All of us,especially the aged,should receive periodical health check-ups. ;我们大家,尤其是老年 人,应该接受定期体检.
[19:54.18]predominant [pri'd⺌min㥮nt] ;a.占主导地位的,显著的
[19:56.11]Sunny days are predominant over rainy days in desert region. ;在沙漠地带,下雨天少得 可怜,绝大多数日子是艳 阳高照.
[19:59.60]proclaim[pr㥮'kleim] ;vt.宣告,宣布,声明
[20:00.82]In Britain,one's accent proclaims his social status. ;在英国,一个人的口音显 示他所处的社会地位.
[20:04.38]After its independence China was proclaimed a republic. ;中国独立之后成立共 和国.
[20:08.38]retort[ri't⺌:t] ;vt./n.反驳,回嘴
[20:09.57]"It's none of your business."he retorted. ;"你管不着!"他反驳道.
[20:11.72]seemingly['si:mi㭎li] ;ad.表面上,看上去
[20:12.87]Seemingly there is nothing we can do. ;看来我们帮不上忙.
[20:15.21]stationary ['stei㤘㥮n㥮ri] ;a.固定的;静止不动的
[20:16.39]Don't get off the bus until it is stationary. ;等公共汽车停稳了再下 车.
[20:18.73]superiority [sju(:),pi㥮ri'⺌riti] ;n.优越(性),优等
[20:20.28]The official aways has a sense of superiority ;这个当官的总是有那么一 种优越感,
[20:22.99]as he often assumes an air of superiority before others. ;老在别人面前摆架子.
[20:26.96]Man has an intellectual superiority over all the other animals. ;在智力方面,任何动物 都不可与人相抗衡.
[20:30.92]threshold['⺮re㤘㥮uld] ;n.门槛;门口;入门, 开端;始起点;最低限度
[20:32.15]The sound was so loud it was on the threshold of pain. ;声音大得开始使人无法忍 受(超过了最低限度).
[20:35.11]turbulent ['t㥮:bjul㥮nt] ;a.动荡的,混乱的; 汹涌的,狂暴的
[20:36.34]There still exist turbulent, ;骚动与动荡的潜流依 然存在
[20:38.11]revolutionary undercurrents in this seemingly peaceful world. ;在这个表面上和平的世界 里,
[20:42.68]underlying ['⺧nd㥮'laii㭎] ;a.含蓄的,潜在的
[20:44.64]It's the economist's mission ;那是经济学家的任务
[20:46.15]to try to find out the underlying causes of the depression. ;努力探索出造成经济衰退 的潜在的原因.
[20:51.14]Lesson 19 ;
[20:54.07]acquaint[㥮'kweint] ;vt.使认识,使了解, 使熟悉
[20:55.11]The internet and newspaper acquaint us with recent happenings around the world. ;互联网和报纸使我们能及 时了解天下之事.
[20:59.24]array[㥮'rei] ;n.排列,队行;展示,陈列 陈列衣服,盛装 vt.排列 配置(兵力),打扮,装饰
[21:00.31]When the array of players of the Royal Madrid turned out in force in the stadium, ;当兵强马壮的皇家马德里 队员鱼贯进入体育场时,
[21:04.26]the fans broke into loud cheers. ;球迷们爆发出震耳欲聋 的欢呼声.
[21:06.66]The soldiers were arrayed on the hill to ambush the Japanese army. ;兵力就部署在这个小山 上以伏击日军.
[21:10.42]capsule['k㘚psju:l] ;n.胶囊;航空舱,密封舱
[21:11.31]"You should swallow five capsules and ten pills at one time." the physician said. ;医生吩咐道;“一次服下 五粒胶囊,十粒片剂.”
[21:15.73]Tito has become the first tourist in the world ;蒂托成为世界上第一位
[21:18.69]who entered the capsule and took a tour in a spaceship. ;进入航空舱、乘坐宇宙 飞船遨游太空.
[21:21.79]compact['k⺌mp㘚kt] ;a.紧凑的,小巧的,紧密 的,坚实的n.契约,合同 vt把压实或塞紧,使坚实
[21:23.04]A compact disc is a small circular plastic disc ;CD就是一种小巧的,塑 料圆盘
[21:25.99]on which music or large quantities of information can be stored. ;可以储存音乐及大量 信息.
[21:29.68]The six nations made a compact to preserve peace recently in Shanghai. ;六国最近在上海签定了 和约.
[21:34.00]configuration [k㥮n,figju'rei㤘㥮n] ;n.构成,结构,配置
[21:35.59]The arrangement of a computer system or network is defined by the nature,number, ;计算机系统或网络的布局 是按其操作部件的特点、 数目、
[21:39.87]the interconnection, and chief characteristics of its functional units. ;互连及主要特性下 定义的.
[21:43.97]More specifically,the term configuration may refer to a hardware configuration ;更明确地说,术语“配 置”可以指的是硬件配 置
[21:48.39]or a software configuration. ;或软件配置.
[21:50.64]contrive[k㥮n'traiv] ;v.谋划;策划;设计做到; 设法想出
[21:52.05]The notorious drug- pusher has been contriving an escape from the prison. ;这个臭名昭著的大毒枭一 直都在图谋越狱.
[21:55.88]Can you contrive to be at the station by noon? ;你能设法在中午前赶到 车站吗?
[21:58.76]degrade[di'greid] ;vt.降低...身份, 有辱...人格
[21:59.76]You degrade yourself when you tell a lie. ;说谎会贬低自己的身份.
[22:02.08]Some people think that charity degrades those who receive it. ;有的人认为施舍使接受 者蒙羞.
[22:05.29]During the Asian Financial Crisis, ;在亚洲金融危机的关键 时刻,
[22:07.44]China made a great contribution to the stability of the world's economy ;中国为稳定世界经 济做出了伟大贡献,
[22:11.01]by not degrade Chinese currency. ;坚持人民币不贬值,
[22:13.15]discern[di's㥮:n] ;v.看出,察觉出; 识别,认出
[22:14.34]It is difficult to discern the truth. ;很难了解真相.
[22:16.29]It was so dark outside that I was just able to discern the road in the dark. ;外面一片漆黑,我在黑暗 中勉强能分辨出道路.
[22:20.50]elicit[i'lisit] ;vt.诱出,探出
[22:21.72]After much questioning among the people concerned, ;经在有关人员中反复询 问,
[22:24.41]the headmaster at last elicited the truth regarding the incident. ;校长终于问出了那件 事的真相.
[22:28.25]eternal[i't㥮:n㥮l] ;a.永久的,永世的; 无休止的,没完没了的; 永恒的,永不改变的
[22:29.35]Rome has been called the Eternal City. ;罗马被称为永恒之城.
[22:31.61]Stop this eternal chatter! ;不要没完没了罗嗦不停.
[22:33.86]facet['f㘚sit] ;n.(问题等的)一个方面; (多面体的)面
[22:34.78]There are several facets to this question. ;这个问题有几个方面.
[22:37.07]glide[glaid] ;vt./vi.滑行,滑动
[22:37.99]The years glided past. ;岁月不知不觉地流逝.
[22:39.65]The thief glided out of the room. ;小偷悄悄地溜出了房间.
[22:41.68]hospitality [,h⺌spi't㘚liti] ;n.(对客人的)友好款待, 好客
[22:43.16]It's well known that the Chinese people show great hospitality. ;中国人以热情好客著称 于世.
[22:46.81]impulse['imp⺧ls] ;n.冲动,一时的念头; 推动,驱使;脉冲
[22:48.54]Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men. ;绝大多数人来说,尊重他 人的自由并不是一种自然 的本能.
[22:52.93]Immediately after she had bought the dress on impulse,the lady regretted. ;女人一时冲动买了这件 衣服,马上就生出后悔 之意.
[22:57.62]inherent[in'hi㥮r㥮nt] ;a.内在的,固有的, 生来就有的
[22:59.13]Polarity is inherent in a magnet. ;极性是磁铁的固有性质.
[23:01.79]Weight is an inherent property of matter. ;重量是物质固有的特性.
[23:04.52]A woman has an inherent love of beauty. ;女人天生爱美.
[23:07.22]intimidate [in'timideit] ;vt.恐吓,威胁
[23:08.69]He said he would never be intimidated by big names and authorities. ;他说他决不会被名人、 权威所吓倒.
[23:12.46]justification [,d䅟⺧stifi'kei㤘㥮n] ;n.正当的理由;借口
[23:14.08]The revolutionaries considered misgovern- ment to be a justific- ation for revolution. ;革命家把对国家治理不当 看作是革命的正当理由.
[23:18.69]merge[m㥮:d䅟] ;vt./vi.(使)结合, (使)合并,使合为一体
[23:19.73]Can one colour merge into another?If yes, what colour will result? ;一种颜色与另一种颜色混 合在一起吗?如果可以, 那会产生什么颜色呢?
[23:24.15]The steel trusts merged various small business. ;钢铁托拉斯联合兼并了 许多企业.
[23:27.62]notable['n㥮ut㥮b㥮l] ;a.值得注意的,显著的, 著名的 n.名人,要人
[23:28.69]Sled dogs are notable for their stamina. ;雪橇狗以它们的忍耐力 而著称.
[23:31.24]The city formed a commission of notable citizens. ;这个城市组成了一个特别 市民委员会.
[23:34.38]ornament['⺌:n㥮m㥮nt] ;n.装饰品,点缀品 vt.装饰,点缀
[23:35.48]The palace was rich in ornament. ;宫廷装饰琳琅满目.
[23:37.47]Do you like ornamenting the house with flowers and paintings? ;你喜欢用花和画装饰 房子吗?
[23:41.42]permeate['p㥮:mieit] ;vi.透入 vt.弥漫;遍布,散布; 渗入,渗透
[23:43.16]Water will permeate blotting paper. ;水能渗透吸水纸.
[23:45.56]Our thinking is permeated by our historical myths. ;我们的历史神话渗透着我 们的思想.
[23:49.14]premise['premis] ;n.[pl.](企业、机构等 使用)房屋及基地, 经营场址;前提,假设
[23:50.47]If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible. ;如果你的前提成立,那么 就很容易推断出你的结 论了.
[23:54.56]If the premise is found to be true, ;若前提为真,
[23:56.74]the corresponding action specified in the rule conclusion is taken. ;则采取规则结论所规定 的相应行为.
[24:00.80]productive [pr㥮'd⺧ktiv] ;a.多产的,富饶的;富 有成效的
[24:02.20]The productive writer cannot produce any more works now. ;此高产作家现在已经是 江郎才尽了.
[24:05.37]"Un" is a productive prefix. ;"Un" 是一个构词力活跃 的前缀.
[24:08.55]random['r㘚nd㥮m] ;a.随意的,随机的
[24:09.91]Please choose a number at random. ;请随便选取一个号码.
[24:11.98]retrieve[ri'tri:v] ;vt.重新得到;取回,收回 挽回,补救;检索
[24:13.16]Some dogs are trained to retrieve game. ;一些狗被训练来衔回 猎物.
[24:15.56]Something should be done at once to retrieve the error. ;应该立即采取措施来补 救错误.
[24:18.73]sentiment['sentim㥮nt] ;n.意见,观点;感情,情绪
[24:19.91]There's no place for sentiment in business. ;做生意不能感情用事.
[24:22.53]Sentiment should be controlled by reason. ;感情应受理智的控制.
[24:25.08]strive[straiv] ;vi.努力,奋斗,力求
[24:26.30]Modern men have to strive with various temptations. ;现代人不得不与各种各样 的诱惑作斗争.
[24:29.77]suspicious [s㥮'spi㤘㥮s] ;a.猜疑的,疑心的;可疑的 (~of)表示怀疑的
[24:31.35]The ignorant are suspicious. ;无知者多疑.
[24:33.42]Don't always be suspicious of us! ;不要老是对我们疑神疑 鬼的!
[24:36.19]tiresome['tai㥮s㥮m] ;a.令人疲劳的; 令人厌倦的
[24:37.77]The tiresome lecture seemed endless;nearly half of the audience dozed of. ;索然无味的演讲似乎没完 没了,几乎一半的听众都 打起了瞌睡.
[24:42.57]uphold[⺧p'h㥮uld] ;vt.支持,维护
[24:43.79]Men should also do everything to uphold women's legal rights. ;男人也应该竭其所能去 维护妇女们的合法权益.
[24:47.18]The judge upheld the lower court's decision. ;法官维持下级法院的 判决.
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