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新编剑桥商务英语[初级] Unit 13B

时间:2012-05-15 14:22:52 来源:可可英语 编辑:cherry  每天三分钟英语轻松学

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Unit 13b: Quality control Listening 1Could you tell me a bit about

quality control at the factory?Well,there are four main quality

control inspection points.We begin by visiting our suppliers to make

sure we are happy with their quality control.Next,we inspect all goods

in on arrival at our factoryand the third inspection point is during

production.And the final stage is chemical analysis of our finished

goods. And what do you look for at each of the four inspection

points?Well each stage is different. With our suppliers,for

instance,we inspect their QC processes and,even more importantly,their

factory hygiene.If we're not happy with their hyiene,we'll cancel the

supply contract.At the goods in stage we make sure that order

quantities are correct and the quality is OK?We also check the

transport packaging.If the packaging is damaged,the warehouse shelf-

life can be reduced.And what quality checks do you run during

production?We take samples to check there isn't too much cooking oil

on the snackand that each snack has the minumum amount of

flavouring.We also check the size of the snacks and their crispness.If

the snacks are too oily,they go soft.So that leaves the finished

goods.What do you check for at the find QC stage?We check individual

bags to make sure that the packet weight is above the acceptable

minumum and that the packet is sealed properly.We also check the

taste.And how do you do that?Well,we eat them.How else?We also do

chemical analysis to check things like fat levels and other

information that we have to put on the packets.Unit 13b: Quality

control Listening 2OK,so we all know there's a problem with reject

levels,but before we look at ways of dealing with it,what I'll like to

know is why don't we find the rejects sooner.How can they get all the

way to the finished goods chemical analysisbefore we find them?Keith?

Well,Jack.The problem is the oil the oil temperature in the cookers.It

keeps faling or rising suddenly.And that's why the samples don't

always pick up hight fat levels.The problem is worse when demand is

high and we're running at full capacity,Well,like we are at the

moment.So what can we do about it?Well I think the first idea on your

memo is best one.We should increase the sampling rate.You see,if we

take samples more often,we'll pick up the reject sooner.That's

true,but if we do that,we'll need extra human resources in the QC

department.I prefer the second idea.I'd rather just change the

temperature sensors in the cookers.We've already tried that,but it

didn't make only differenct.The problem is the oil the cookers.When it

gets dirty the temperature sensors don't work properly.So why don't we

change the oil more often? Well it would help,but we have to stop

production to change the oil.We're going to lose production capacity

if we stop the line more often.And the extra oil will increase our

costs,of course.Hmm.That's a point.Yes,but if it reduces the reject

levels,a bit of lost production won't be a problem.It might not be a

problem if we can reduce reject levels to zero.But I don't think

that's possible. OK let's try it anyway.I'd like you to change the oil

more often and monitor the sensors.Pauline,I'd like you to increase

the sampling rate by just 10 per cent.That means won't need extra

staff.Let's do that for the next two weeks and see what happens,OK?





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