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人文社科:《孙子兵法》The Art of War: Sun Zi’s Military Methods


孙子兵法(The Art of War: Sun Zi’s Military Methods)简介:
"After reading Victor Mair's elegant new rendering of the ancient text, I was left without any doubt that it is an important contribution to our understanding of both the meaning of the text itself and the evolution of Chinese military thought. While some translations in the past have been informed by philosophical studies or the translator's own personal experience of modern warfare and intelligence matters, what Mair brings to bear is a remarkable feel for the Chinese language of ancient times that results in lucid and persuasive renderings of many of the more enigmatic and obscure passages. He steers a judicious course between the free translation and the overly literal, and further aids our comprehension by providing a concise glossary explaining the key terms that appear in the text." -- David Graff, associate professor of history, Kansas State University  《孙子兵法[1]》又称《孙武兵法》、《吴孙子兵法》、《孙子兵书》、《孙武兵书》等,是中国古典军事文化遗产中的璀璨瑰宝,是中国优秀文化传统的重要组成部分。是世界三大兵书之一(另外两部是:《战争论》(克劳塞维茨) ,《五轮书》(宫本武藏) )其内容博大精深,思想精邃富赡,逻辑缜密严谨。作者为春秋末年的齐国人孙武(字长卿)。一般认为,《孙子兵法》成书于专诸刺吴王僚之后至阖闾三年孙武见吴王之间,也即前515至前512年。全书分为十三篇,是孙武初次见面赠送给吴王的见面礼,事见司马迁《史记》:“孙子武者,齐人也,以兵法见吴王阖闾。阖闾曰:子之十三篇吾尽观之矣。”有用兵如《孙子》,策谋《三十六计》的说法。
  《孙子兵法》成书于春秋末期,是我国古代流传下来的最早、最完整、最著名的军事著作,在中国军事史上占有重要的地位,其军事思想对中国历代军事家、政治家、思想家产生非常深远的影响,其已被译成日、英、法、德、俄等十几种文字,在世界各地广为流传,享有“兵学圣典”的美誉。 作为华夏文化乃至世界文明中的瑰宝,《孙子兵法》不仅仅是一部兵法,不仅止于中华文化中的重要遗产,他更是华夏智慧与朴素思想的象征。

上传时间:2013-01-31 13:22:02 | 下载次数:0 | 文件大小: 344 KB

关键字: 人文社科 兵法
