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时间:2010-1-26 12:01:32  来源:howcast  作者:vicki   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
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Sure, he’ll text, IM, or tweet. But if you’ve forgotten what his voice sounds like, try these proven tricks to get him to actually dial your digits.

You Will NeedAssertiveness
Positive reinforcement

Step 1: Be assertive(直接告诉对方)
Be assertive. Guys respond to directness, so don’t hint that you’d like a call every now and then. Even a simple, “It’d be great if you called me this afternoon to go over our plans for the evening” will work.

Step 2: Give positive reinforcement(鼓励对方给自己打电话)
Give him positive reinforcement when he does get around to dialing. Sound happy to hear from him and you’ll train him to love giving you a ring instead of dreading it.

Step 3: Keep it short(对话简短)
Keep the conversation brief – 10 minutes or less, and keep it light. Chances are, neither of you wants to get bogged down in endless chitchat.

If he calls during the day, tell him you have a meeting in five minutes and can’t talk long. Leave him wanting more.

Step 4: Be understanding(如果对方不打给你,试着理解)
Understand that many men like texting or e-mailing because they can seem funnier or smarter if they can proofread their thoughts. If he sounds awkward during the call, let it go.

Step 5: Have a last resort(先打给他,再让他拨给你)
Call him as a last resort. He may follow suit and call you back.

The first cellular phone was a Motorola that weighed 2 pounds, offered a half hour of talk time, and sold for $3,995 in 1984.

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