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时间:2006-6-20 23:08:45  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 
ight? (重要的约会)
B: Oh, Gosh! That blind date was so ugly that I wished for a moment that I were blind, too.
A: Let’s make a date to go shopping next Monday.
B: Ok!
A: Did you hear Fred and Jenny are dating?
B: No way!
A: Victoria,you got time tonight?
B: Don’t bother me, I’m on a date.
It’s hard for me to keep a date. My boss forces me to work overtime. (not miss a date with somebody)
Next time I buy tickets for the theater, I’ll be sure to look at the date.


义 Everyday Expressions
They made a deal with a Chinese firm.
We played four deals in 30 minutes.
Do you know how to deal with the kids?
Grandma dealt out the fruit to kids.( 祖母给孩子们分发水果。)
生活用语Street Talks
A: The boss is going to give us a twenty-cent-an-hour raise.
B: Big deal! (讽刺口气)
A: I’ll treat you to dinner tonight. Six o’clock. I’ll pick up you
B: It’s a deal! (一言为定)
A: I heard a big noise down the hall last night. What’s the
deal? (怎么了)
B: Nothing special. Forget it.
A: Ouch! That hurts!
B: Sorry!
A: Only sorry? Are you blind?
B: Oh, come on. I only stepped on your toe. Don’t make a big deal out of it.
A: What do you think of Victor?
B: I like talking with him. He has a great deal of experience.
A: I’ll give you the money tomorrow.
B: Eh, no big deal. (No problem.)
A: I got a good deal on that pair of shoes.
Hey, how come you’re dealing me out? (不发牌)
I’m going to cut you a good deal on this car.
(give somebody a deal)

  义 Everyday Expressions
I have no doubt of his coming.
I doubted whether the story was true.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Liz will be fired if she’s late again.
B: Without a doubt. (毫无疑问)
A: Do you think the manager will come to the morning briefing?
B: He’ll come, no doubt. (毫无疑问)
A: Think he’ll win first place in the race?
B: I doubt it. (我想不会)
She doubted herself so much that it harmed her.
I doubt his intentions. (distrust)
It is doubtful whether Ronaldo will play tomorrow.
Doubt the worst and hope for the best.
Where doubt ends peace of mind begins.
He who doubts nothing knows nothing.
Honest doubt is better than in a pious fraud.

义 Everyday Expressions
I dreamed a sweet dream last night.
I dreamed of/about my grandma.
I never dreamed of seeing you here.
I had a terrible dream last night.
  生活用语Street Talks
Tom has started dreaming up a story.
I dreamt about my teacher last night.
I dream of being the best footballer in town.
A: What’s your dream, Apple?
B: I dream of marrying a French.
A: You’re kidding, Apple.
B: No, I know it’s just a pipe dream, but it’s true. (白日梦)
Stop daydreaming and get back to work.
I never dream of hurting a lady.
Every man is great in their dreams.
It is good to have dreams, they keep you going.

  谚语 Proverbs
Dreams go by contraries.
Foolish men have foolish dreams.

  义 Everyday Expressions
Please try on this evening dress.
Betty was dressed in black.
Alice got dressed up for dinner.
Victoria dressed her hair with taste.
  生活用语Street Talks
A: Joan, your ceremonial dress looks beautiful. It’s so special. (礼服)
B: Thanks. I brought it back with me from China. It’s made of silk.
A: Mom, what should I wear for the party tonight?
B: Not fashionable or low dress anymore. (时髦的衣服;袒胸衣)Try this one. This evening dress doesn’t fit me anymore.
A: Poor Susan! What does she do? She was so sure Jack was going to marry her that she arranged everything!
B: And now she’s left all

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