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赖世雄中级美国英语 Lesson 148:what a Terrible Experience!
时间:2009-1-29 12:34:09  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Jeff is in a school play with his classmates.

(C=classmate; J=Jeff)
C: Hey, Jeff! What's the matter?
J: I forgot my lines.
C: If you forgot your lines, you should make something up.
J: What should I say?
C: Anything! If you don't say anything soon, you'll ruin the whole play.
J: OK. OK...(to the audience) I love you!(laughter)
C: You're an idiot! What on earth was that about?
J: I think I'm gonna faint.
C: Don't. If you do, that will be the end of the play.
J: Good!(to the audience) Goodbye! (He faints.)

Don't spit. 吐痰
We staged our play in the school gymnasium. 推出
shiver, shake 颤抖
make up sth 编造


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