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英语范文背诵精华(11):Please Let Me Have a Little World
时间:2007-12-4 0:42:47  来源:本站原创  作者:alex   测测英语水平如何 | 挑生词: 

Please let me have a little world,please my dear husband.Be so generous as to Let me have a little of my own.If you find me scrawling on a piece of newspaper.please don't piple over my shoulders.It may be that I'm inventing some paintful feelings long denied description,or trying to compose a little poem.Not yet for the time being,or attempting to scrath out something visual lights from my childhood memories.Which glows my mind like ribble. When I'm in such mood.Please leave me alone,and let me write as the pen dictates. Don't disturb me,my dear.When I get this starter over some old photos,or letters which bring tears to my eyes,or smiles on my lips.For those things happen to me before I met you. The joys and sorrows,partings and reunions that taste like green oil or glitter like scattered purls. They my cherished memories which ready as I am sure with you . I would like to endow in by myself for a while,I hope you won't mind when I go with out you for a nice chat with the close friends of mine.You are my bursy friends.But you can not take the place of other friends any more than they can do yours.I need their care ,encouragement and so bring criticisms just I do yours.A star sky with the salitary blue will bedowe uncherish .Why not let them be a move at night with splendid twin stars.I mean occasionally want to make a tour far away places.Please don't hold back when I start packing for it .You are the center of my life.But certainly not the whole of it.I ear to see mistrys and wonders the world miles away be on the mountains .So let me have a chance to explore my alsess wonder minds as a lone riger.Sometime later,When I come back to you with exhaust,experiences and fresh insights. I'm sure you will look me in a new light.My dear husband ,So long as you let me have such a little little world .I'll be very much indentitle.


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